Chapter 23: Who's Coming to Dinner?

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Behind the school, the sky was an ombre of purple to orange. Everyone had gone home for the day, except for Aphmau and Aaron. She still needed help understanding werewolf culture, and Aaron didn't hesitate to take the position of her tutor. They sat in the classroom in their assigned seats, reading from the same book.

Suddenly, Aphmau groaned. "Fine, I admit it! I'm horrible when it comes to keeping up with werewolf class."

Aaron laughed. "I coulda told you that."


"Calm down, that's why we're here."

Aphmau sighed. "I really appreciate you staying after class to help me. But, you know, you really don't need to. I mean, I know we found out we've been friends for a long time, but--"

"Shu..." Aaron's cheek turned a light pink.

"Yeah, FC?"

"I've... always wanted to kiss you."

"Huh?" she asked with surprise, her face also red.

"I'm sorry, I know it's blunt, but I've known you for a long time."

"FC... I... feel the same way."

"Can I?" He moved closer to her.


Aaron grabbed Aphmau and pulled her closer, his lips nearly touching hers.

And then she woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she was kissing her wolf plush. In a panic, she threw the stuffed animal off of her chest and sat up. She looked around her room, a slight confusion overwhelming her.

"What the? What was that? Why would I dream about that? With him! Ew, it's Aaron! I mean, yay, it's FC, but ew, it's Aaron? But, Aaron is FC? And-and, Aaron is kinda cute, but--bleh, what am I saying!? Huh? I kissed the dog? Ugh, it was just a dream." Aphmau rubbed the back of her neck and reached next to her for her phone. Only to find that it was no longer there. She began to panic whilst searching for it. It was right next to her, where could it have gone?

Downstairs, Sylvanna sat at the table that was set up against the wall, scrolling through a phone. Aphmau's phone.

She was looking through all the contacts, searching for names that sounded like they belonged to a boy. After that, she would text them, inviting them to dinner. She almost invited Gene, but thought it could have been a girl. She saw Laurance's contact and was ready to text him when Aphmau came from upstairs and caught her.

"Mom?" she said.

Sylvanna screamed in surprise. "Aphmau, good morning!"

"It's not morning, Mom. I just woke up from my afternoon nap."

"Did I say morning? I meant, good afternoon!"

"Mom... Why are you acting weird?"

"Huh? Me? Weird? Pfft." She laughed. "Girl, check yoself before you wreck yoself!"

"Ugh, that doesn't even make any sense, Mom. In any case, have you seen my--" She stopped, realizing her mother was holding her phone. "Huh? I-Is that my phone?!"

"Nope!" Aphmau took it from her. "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Mom! You weren't going through my phone, were you?"

"What? Psh, no! Mija, I was actually trying to upgrade our... data plan. Yeah, that's it! And I needed your phone to get the plan activated. Yeah! So you have lots of data to search the interwebs and... uh, watch your YouTube videos now!"

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