Chapter 16: Aaron VS Aphmau

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The next week at school would be the most thrilling yet. It was PDHS' annual sports festival. Each grade level would compete against one another in a different sport. In the end, whichever class was left was declared the winner for the year.

"Oh, this is so exciting! I love the annual sports festival!" Teoni exclaimed. Katelyn stood next to her, stretching and warming up. "Aren't you excited, Katelyn?"

"Of course I'm excited! I'm gonna own those juniors in volleyball this year!"

Teoni giggled. Didn't you lose to them when they were sophomores last year?"

"Exactly. They were the only class we won against that we lost to last year and that's because I had own all the events prior. I was exhausted!"

"That's why this year I hope you learned your lesson."

"Oh, I have!"

"Good, I'm glad. Now you know that you have to--"

"I've been training all year to carry the team on my own!"

"Katelyn, that's not the lesson! The lesson is teamwork!"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that. Whatever. Now, let's go crush some classes!" she exclaimed with extreme enthusiasm.

"Katelyn, wait up!" Teoni yelled after her. She turned around to see two little freshmen watching Katelyn run away. "Hmm? Good luck, my darlings Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan!"

"Pray you guys don't have us as an opponent this year," Katelyn warned them. I won't go easy just because we're friends!" The thought of that made her laugh. She ran off onto the field with Teoni trailing right behind her.

"Aphmau~Chan doesn't think we'll have Katelyn~Chan as an opponent, does she?" Kawaii~Chan asked warily.

Aphmau chuckled. "I'm not worried at all, Kawaii~Chan. Katelyn isn't the only one who's good at sports, you know.

"Aphmau~Chan is good at sports, too?" she asked in shock.

"W-Well, I don't think I'm amazing, but I don't consider myself a pushover either. I'm actually excited to go up against Katelyn, if we get matched with their class, that is. Just stick with me, Kawaii~Chan. We'll give them a run for their money."

Over by Katelyn, there was a loud thud.

"Ow! Help me!" someone cried. On the ground was a poor white-haired freshman boy.

"What the--! Why were you in the bushes directly behind me?" Katelyn yelled. "I thought you were some kind of stalker, kid!"

"I think he might have been staring at your--" Teoni whispered. Just as she did, Dante jumped out of the bushes as well.

"We're discovered, Travis! Run!" he yelled in panic as he sprinted away.

"Dante! Don't leave me alone! She's gonna kill me!" he hollered back, running after him.

"Huh? Travis? What is he doing over there?" Aphmau asked rhetorically. While she was looking in their direction, someone bumped into her. "Gah! Huh? Excuse you!"

Not surprisingly, it was Aaron. "Hm?" he said.

"Do you even have any manners?"

"I wouldn't need them if stupid potatoes would watch where they're standing."

"Stop calling me that!" she demanded.

"Why don't you make me?"

"Come over here and I will!"

"You really think you can go up against me?" He laughed at her. "I'll spare you the embarrassment."

Aphmau growled as he turned his back. "That's it! I've had it with that guy!" she told, well, the world. She walked over to volleyball and lined it up.

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