Chapter 4: Alone With Him

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"What!?" Aphmau yelled. "Get naked? In front of others!?"

"Geez, when you say it like that, of course it sounds bad," Travis replied.

"I don't wanna go to Gym class!"

"Hey, calm down. Look, it's just going into the girl's locker room and getting changed. You can just go into a bathroom stall if you feel uncomfortable with it."

"Is that what you do when you go into the boy's locker room?"

"No. But I used to do it in middle school."

"Aw," Aphmau whined.

"Just think on the bright side! This is the first class we have together!"

"I mean... I guess you're right. That is a plus."


"But I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of changing in front of others."

"You'll be fine."

"If you wanna change places with me, I won't mind." A blue-haired boy popped up from behind Aphmau.

"Huh?" she said, turning around to face him.

"Hey, baby! Travis, I didn't know your girlfriend was so adorable!"

"What!? She's not my girlfriend!"

"And she's not gonna be if you don't put the moves on her soon." He shot Travis a wink, indicating he should say something to Aphmau.

"What!? No way, man! I'm not- I'm not ready to ask!"

"Not ready to ask?" Aphmau yelled, crossing her arms.

"W-Wait! I didn't mean it like that! Ugh, Dante! Why do you make things so awkward!?"

"Because it's fun! Plus, what can I say? I really love the ladies!"

"Wait a minute. Are you the guy who dated two girls at one time?" Aphmau asked.

"Aw, man! You already told her about that?"

"Of course I did. I didn't want her to fall for your stupid charm. She's my not alone buddy!"

Dante sighed. "Fine. It's nice to meet you, Aphmau! My name is Dante and, yes, Travis already told me your name. I didn't look it up like some kind of creep."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, too, Dante."

"By the way, thanks for being friends with my shy buddy here. I was afraid he wasn't going to talk to anyone but me in school. So, it's nice to see him getting along with someone who isn't me."

Travis cleared his throat. "Dante, shouldn't you be heading to class? The bell is about to ring."

"Oh, right! Let me know if I can do anything for you, little lady. I-- Huh?" He looked over at two girls who were glaring at him from around the corner. It was Kawaii~Chan and Nicole from Aphmau and Travis's homeroom.

"Mother of Irene! They're both--uh... I gotta get going! See ya!" With that, he sprinted down the hallway like he was being chased by a goblin.

"What was that about?" Aphmau asked Travis.

"I'm not sure. Dante's weird sometimes. If I could suggest something, I'd stay away from him. He takes after his big brother, Gene, who isn't a great influence. Also, stay away from Gene and his friends, too."

"Oh. Alright! Thanks for the tip, I guess." The bell rang and Aphmau let out a little yelp.

"You're going to be fine," Travis assured her. "Just go into the bathroom stall, get dressed, and come out. I'll be waiting for you in the field. Good luck! And don't worry, just do whatever you're comfortable with." Travis smiled at her and walked outside. Aphmau took a deep breath and entered the locker room, heading straight for the stalls.

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