Chapter 17: Kissing Katelyn!

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Aphmau sat peacefully in her assigned seat in Werewolf class, rereading Midnight. Aaron hadn't shown up yet, so she was alone. She didn't mind, of course, considering what happened after the sports festival. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't forget about it. She fell on top of him while he was shirtless. He had rock-hard abs too... She shook the thought out of her head and tried to focus on her book.

When Aaron finally came in and sat next to her, she flushed the same way she did before. She put the book away and turned to him.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," she lied, trying to calm the heat in her face.

"Is there something on my face?"

"You mean, aside from the bandaged cuts, and, oh! Let's not forget, stupid all over your face?"

"Yeah? Well, I'm not the only one. Go look in a mirror!"

"Exactly! Wait, wait, wait, what? No--ugh. What is your problem?" she growled.

"You're the one whose face is red."

"That's because I saw you-- Nevermind! Just do me a favor and stop breathing or something!"

They turned away from each other in anger. Balto watched their bickering, a wicked idea forcing a grin on his face.

"Well, she's a feisty one. Hmm, I wonder..."

After class, Aphmau was more than happy to finally get to leave. Balto wasn't ready to let her go just yet, though.

"Hey, sweetheart, where are you off to?" he asked her once they were in the hallway.

"Hm? Hey, you're that guy from class. Uh, Balto?"

"That's right. I wanted to get to know you."

Aaron came out of the classroom and stood behind Balto, listening to what he had to say.

"You seem nice, but I have to decline for now. I'm sorry. Any other day would be fine, but right now I'm kind of in a rush. Maybe we can talk later?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you around, cutie."

"Bye!" With that, Aphmau was on her way.

Aaron hadn't left his spot standing behind Balto. Balto chuckled to himself, hoping his plan would perfectly fall into place. When he turned, he saw Aaron. His aura had darkened and when he looked up at Balto, he had a red glow in his eyes.

"W-What was that?" Balto asked, afraid. He turned quickly and walked the other way.

Aphmau sat in the stands of the soccer field, waiting. She sighed, since she had been sitting there for a while. She wondered where he could be. As she was looking around, her phone went off. It was Gene. What could he possibly want? she thought to herself.

Hey, how ya doing Kitty?


I thought I told you to lose my number

Kinda hard to do that since I still wanna be friends, ya know
Maybe sometime we could hang out


I have ZERO interest in seeing you again

Look, I'll level with you
I don't have the pic anymore


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