Chapter 7: Shadow Knights Rule!

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"What? Theater? So you actually joined?" Aphmau asked.

"Yeah, I did!" Travis said triumphantly before coughing. "I mean, I'm not gonna do anything crazy. I figured I could just do some small roles and see if the club is even for me."

"Have you ever been in a play before?"

"When I was little kid I was in a few small plays and stuff. But I liked it and I kinda wanna try it now that I'm in high school."

"That's awesome, Travis! I'll come to all of your plays and stuff!"

"Really? Well, wait. What if I get cast as a rock or something?"

"Hmm. Then you'll be the best rock you can be! I know it!"

"You really believe in me?"

"Absolutely! I'll be cheering you on in the audience. Even if I make a fool of myself doing so."

"Thanks. That's really sweet of you."

"Alright students, settle down!" the teacher yelled, grabbing the class' attention. "I know we're in homeroom right now, but I have an announcement! We have a new transfer student joining our class." He motioned to a short, brown-haired, green-eyed boy. "Everyone, welcome Vylad Ro'Meave!"

"Hi!" he yelled, his voice high.

"Wait, Ro'Meave. Does that mean you're related to--"

"Yup, that emo kid in the back of the room is my older brother!" He looked over at Zane and waved, smiling broadly. "Hey, bro!"

"Shut up, Vylad!" he yelled back, his voice higher than his younger brother's.

"Well, that's one way to say hello."

"Well, I didn't know you had another sibling, Zane. Must be nice to have two brothers in the same school. Now, Vylad, take a seat. Now everyone make sure to make him feel at home." Vylad walked to the back of the class, towards his brother.

"Zane! Boy am I glad you're here!" he said, giddy. Zane just scoffed.

"Just stay away from me. It's bad enough I have to babysit you in high school."

"Oh, okay, Zane. Cool, um. I'll see you around," Vylad said, walking in Aphmau and Travis's direction.

"Hey, Vylad," Aphmau spoke. He looked up at her. "My name is Aphmau. It's nice to meet you!"

"Hey! Uh, wow. I wasn't expecting anyone to talk to me so soon." Aphmau laughed a little.

"Well, we just started this year of high school ourselves, so I kinda know how it feels to be new and alone. Oh! Speaking of which, this is my not alone buddy, Travis." Aphmau motioned over to him and he smiled.

"Hey, Vylad! Nice to meet ya!"

"Same to you, Travis. It's kinda nice that you approached me like that Jackeeline. Ah, sorry. Is that how you say your name?"

"Uh, no, but close enough. Don't worry, a lot of people have trouble pronouncing my name."

"Hey!" Travis yelped from behind her. "Aphmau! Vylad's not gonna take my not alone buddy away from me, is he?"

"Huh?" Vylad asked, tilting his head slightly. "What's a 'not alone buddy'?"

"Oh, right! It's something Travis and I came up with on our first day. It's so we wouldn't feel so... awkward and lonely. And, no, Travis, no one's gonna stop us from being not alone buddies. It's a part of being in the club!"

"We have a club?" Travis asked excitedly.

"Of course!"

"Man, there's more to this than I even knew. Are there at least cool jackets we get for being in this?"

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