Chapter 5: Weekend Friends!

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"I don't see why we have to attend an assembly right now," Aphmau whined to Travis. "It's almost time to go home."

"The teacher said the principal wanted to have a few words with the students to congratulate them on a successful first week."

"Couldn't he just congratulate us by letting us go home early?"

"Meh, that would have been too easy obviously." They both laughed. "So, you never did tell me why you weren't in gym class. Did something happen?"

"Oh. I got really sick. Suddenly."

"Are you sure?" Travis asked in disbelief.

"Of course I'm sure! Why would I lie about that?"

"Wow, you know you don't have to be so ang--" Travis stopped speaking a gasped largely. "Oh, I get it. Sorry, that'a girl stuff, my bad." A red color suddenly appeared on Travis's cheeks.

"What? No, not--Travis! Ugh, just forget it."

"Well, look, whatever happened, just let me know if I can help next time, okay?"

"Sure. Thanks, Travis."

"Oh! That reminds me. Do you mind if I give you my number?"

"Oh, sure."

"Since it's the weekend and if you want to talk about anything, well you could text me or something. Call me. I don't-I don't know."


Travis and Aphmau piled into the gym with the rest of the students. Instead of booths like there was on the first day, the gym was filled with rows of chairs and a stage. Everyone was talking until a teacher spoke into the microphone on stage.

"Testing, one, two, three. One, two--" The teacher was interrupted by a suddenly slammed door and a man sprinting into the gym. The entire student body gasped. He ran onto the stage, panting frantically. He pushed the other teacher out of the way and began yelling into the microphone.

"Hello, students and congratulations on completing your first week! Truly a remarkable feat! I have no doubt that all of you are being hard at work climating yourselves to the year ahead! So many new things to learn! Which reminds me, Ms. Hyria has informed me that all potions brewed in alchemy class are not to be taken from class!" He stood closer to Ms. Hyria, making her step backward away from him. "Correct Ms. Hyria? Ah, a fine start to an exciting new year! Now then, that ought to cover my quota for principally things for the day," he joked. "I'm off to make a new scientific discovery! Good day, children!" Just like that, the man vanished from the gym. Everyone always said Principal Chris was crazy, but Aphmau thought they were just overreacting. But, as she sat in her seat, she realized he was the craziest man she had ever met in her life. How was he the principal?

After the assembly. Travis and Aphmau waited outside by the car pick-up lane, waiting for their parents.

"Well, that speech was..." Travis paused, trying to think of a word to describe it, but instead just said, "Yeah. Anyway, you walk home, right? My dad's coming to pick me up today, so if you wanted a ride home, I'm sure he could give you a lift."

"No thanks. My mom's coming to pick me up today."

"Ah, I see. You got my number so text me if you want, okay?"

"I will, and same to you. Text me whenever you want." Aphmau gave Travis a smile and he kindly returned it. As she was about to try and continue the conversation, they heard the honking of a car. They looked to the lane and Aphmau's smile dropped. It was her mom.

"Aphmau! Vámonos! Get your butt over here!" she yelled. She originally pulled up with a happy expression. Then she spotted Travis next to her daughter. "Wait, is that a boy?"

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