Chapter 8: Cool Moms

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Aphmau was lucky enough not to get punished for being late. The only thing that sucked for her about that week was that it was too long. The days dragged on and on until, finally, the weekend rolled around again.

"Mom!" she whined. "I don't see why I needed to come with you to the park." Her mother had dragged her out of the house and still wouldn't tell her why. Aphmau just wanted to stay home and play games with FC.

"Because, mi hija, you need to get out of that house! All you do is play that video game all day. Plus, some fresh air and exercise never hurt anyone! Look, all I'm saying is I'm glad you paused your game and decided to come out with me! Mommy appreciates it!" Aphmau sighed.

"You can't pause MMOs, Mom, gawd! But, if it makes you happy, then it makes me happy."

"That's my girl! So, what do you think of your mom's new jogging outfit?" She struck a pose for her daughter to judge. She was only wearing a sports bra and shorts, which made Aphmau cringe.

"It's a little revealing, but it looks good on you!"

"Thanks! It's pretty tight, yo."

"Mom! Where did you learn to talk like that?"

"From an old friend of mine. Speaking of which, she should be here any minute," she said, looking around.

"Wait. You invited another adult to join us? Ugh, Mom!"

"Of course I did. I didn't want to be seen alone with my daughter! She's so embarrassing!"

"Don't sass me, Mom!" Aphmau quietly gasped when she realized what her mother was doing. "Wait, I shouldn't be saying that to you!"

"Calm down, mi hija! This other adult is cool! I just reconnected with her this week. In fact, she's bringing her kids, too! So while we're jogging and catching up, you can play with them!"

"Oh, so I'm just a free babysitter now?" Her mother laughed. "Fine, but you owe me! So am I watching a five-year-old brat again?"

"Hmm? Well--"

"Hey, girlfriend!" Aphmau heard from behind her.

"Ah, wassup girl!" her mom yelled back. She wrapped her arms around the woman like they hadn't seen each other in 10 years. Aphmau groaned and blushed, hoping no one saw.

"Oh, Sylvanna, it's been years! You're still lookin' fine!"

"You're one to talk! I had one kid! You had three and look at you! I'm so jealous, Zianna!"

"Oh," Zianna exclaimed, looking at Aphmau, who remained on the bench. "And you must be Aphmau! Look at how beautiful you are! We are all gonna have so much fun together!"

"It's nice to meet you! Wait, you said 'all'? Great. So I'm babysitting multiple brats."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call us brats." Aphmau heard a familiar, angelic voice. She turned around and there he was. Garroth Ro'Meave.

"What the--! Garroth? What are you doing here?"

"Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing. But I think I've figured it out."

"Wait. You're Zianna's--" Aphmau was interrupted by a sigh from Zane.

"So this is the brat we have to babysit?"

"Hey, not alone buddy!" Vylad greeted.

"Mom! Are you kidding me? These guys go to my school!" Aphmau's mother gasped.

"Zianna! I didn't realize your boys went to the same school as my daughter!"

"Oh, samesies! That's so adorable!"

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