Chapter 11: Blackmailed

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How am I going to look Garroth in the face after what happened? Aphmau thought to herself as she left her house for school. I mean, I know he stole my first kiss, but, I mean, I like him a lot. Shouldn't I be more excited about this? Not looking where she was going, she almost bumped into someone.

"L-Laurance!" she said, looking up.

"Hey, Aphmau. Walking to school today?"

"Y-Yep! Just walking to school today! Anyway, it's-it's great to see ya!" She laughed nervously to conceal her guilt.

"It's great to see you, too. You seem more... jumpy than usual."

"I do? Huh, well, that's probably because I had a really crazy weekend!"

"Really? Wanna talk about it?"

"No!" she said a little to quickly. "I mean, I'd rather talk about what you did this weekend."

"N- Sure." She smiled weakly to him and motioned for them to get going.

He talked on and on about his weekend, but she couldn't complain. She asked him to tell about what he did and she just loved his voice. They continued their conversation at the fountain in front of the school where they usually hung out.

"Sounds like you had a crazy weekend. Soccer practice sounds brutal."

"Yeah, but I like it. By the way, Garroth told me you're into soccer."

"He did?"

"Yeah. You should've told me sooner."

"Sorry! Just didn't cross my mind! D-D-Did Garroth tell you anything else?"

"Just that really. And that you guys played soccer at the park with his brothers. Next time invite me. I'd love to come and school you."

"Y'know, I'm not that bad at the game myself."

"Yeah, but you've never gone up against a captain before. Ah, speaking of which, I have to get going to the field. We have a game this weekend and the team is getting first period off to practice."

"Then you better get going! Don't want you to slack off."

"Thanks. We're still on for that match though, right?"

"For sure! See ya, Laurance! Good luck!"

"Thanks, beautiful." He winked at her and it surprisingly didn't make her blush or stammer this time. She laughed a little before sighing.

"Oh, Laurance. I really like him, too..."

"Aw, isn't that cute?" Gene said in a mocking mushy tone. "Laurance seems to really have a thing for ya." Aphmau turned around and balled her fists.

"Oh, it's you."

"It's kinda sweet how he waits to walk you to school."

"Hmph!" she said, crossing her arms.

"Still don't wanna talk to me because of Laurance? When are you gonna learn to think for yourself?"

"I am thinking for myself! I don't want to talk to you! Every time I see you, you and your Shadow Knight gang have been up to no good! Give me one good reason why I should even give you the time of day!"

"Because I know you're hiding something from Laurance you don't want him to know about."

"Huh? What?"

"But if you don't want to talk to me then I'll just be on my way."

"Wait! What do you know?"

"Meet me at the lockers at the far end of school in fifteen minutes."

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