Chapter 6: Art Buddies!

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Aphmau was walking to school when she spotted Laurance's house. She stopped there, hoping to catch him on his way to school. She waited for a while and eventually gave up, assuming he left early. She was still shaken up and slightly confused over what he said that weekend. He asked her to be his girlfriend. Although he said he was kidding, the same question echoed in her mind: Was he actually interested in her? She had no idea, but both of them were. Neither of them knew what to do about it, though. Aphmau was in her thoughts when she got a text message.

Morning Shu

Hey FC!

I had fun this weekend

Doing the dungeon? OF COURSE YOU DID! I had to heal you through it

LOL! Right :)
But I did tank the whole thing

fine we're even then

Hey, I wanted to ask you a question


are you okay with being my friend?

wat? Why?

I just wanna know, kinda meh right now

oh, shush u, we've been friends for years like this
Honestly I can't get rid of you :P

...Thanks Shu

I like it when you're weird but chill
I'll always be your friend even if we never meet

Have a great day, Shu

U 2 FC :)

Aphmau was slightly concerned about FC. He never asked her questions like that. Had someone said something to him? FC was her friend and she loved him like she would if she knew him in real life. Of course, she wished she could meet him, but that was nearly impossible. Who knew where he lived? How old he was? He said he was a teenager, but was he really?

"Hey, beautiful," Laurance said, spooking Aphmau out of her thoughts.

"Laurance? Beautiful?"

"Why thank you," he responded, chuckling.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that!"


"No, no, no! Not that! I mean that you're absolutely beautiful and that any girl would dream of you at night." Aphmau began laughing nervously. She couldn't shut her stupid mouth.

"Do you?"


"Because I dream of you." He winked at her and she fell onto the ground just like she had done that weekend. "Fainted again. Should I wake you up with a kiss?" To that, Aphmau jumped up.

"Yes! I-I--No, no! Uh, I mean, why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Making me blush like this!"

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