Chapter 22: FC and Shu

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Garroth was still heartbroken over what he had heard about Aphmau. He couldn't believe she would play him and Laurance like that. She seemed like such a sweet, innocent girl, but maybe he was wrong. Maybe it was all just an act.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard chattering coming from about the corner. There were handfuls of people standing and talking. He moved further into the crowd to see what the issue was. When he saw, he wished he turned around.

Aphmau and Aaron were standing side-by-side, looking at each other with smiling faces. It was a strange sight, seeing as everytime they were together before, they were ripping each others heads off.

"Laurance was right," he said to himself. FIlled with anger and betrayal, he left the scene to find a better one.

"You know," Aphmau began. "You really need to learn how not to run into fights. I can't heal you like that all the time. You almost died!"

"What's the matter? Having a hard time keeping my HP up?"

"When you run into a bunch of monsters like you did last night, yeah!"

Aaron rolled her eyes and began walking to class. Aphmau followed next to him, avoiding the people in their way. Everyone stared at the as they continued down the hallway.

"Are they actually walking together?" a boy asked to no one in particular.

"He's not good enough for her," said a girl.

"I thought they didn't get along."

"It's just so weird to see them like that."

The werewolf girl that Laurance overheard spoke up as well. "Oh, I knew it! They're totally dating!"

"Huh, lucky guess," the boy she was with responded.

He kept going down hallways until he finally found an empty one. He needed to talk to her, but he couldn't do that with all those people around.

"So, are you gonna try and talk to them today?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna give it my best shot. I just really--"

"Hey!" yelled a familiar voice. "Aphmau!" It was Balto. "There you are."


"So, I was wondering... Huh?" He noticed Aaron and growled. "Aaron! What are you doing here?"

"We're hanging out."

"'We' who? Wait, you two?" Balto looked between the two and laughed. "Gonna punch him again, Aphmau?"

Aphmau chuckled, recalling when she uppercut Aaron. "He probably deserves it for some reason."

Aaron laughed at her sly comment. "You can't even reach my face without standing on a chair!"

"Hey, get on my level and say that!"

Huh? Balto thought. What's going on? They're being playful with each other. Are they friends now?

"So, Aphmau," he began again. "I was wondering if you were interested in talking somewhere... in private." He looked Aaron up and down suggestively.

"Huh? Why?"

"Just to get to know each other better. Come on. You probably don't wanna be around this jerk. Follow me." Balto grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her away from Aaron.

Before he could take her any further, Aaron pulled her back to him. He held her by the shoulders, close to his body, glaring at Balto. There was a familiar red twinkle in his eyes. Aphmau's face was a bright red; she kept her hands clasped together in front of her, staring at the floor.

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