Chapter 12: Skipping School

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Aphmau was peacefully drinking water when an unwanted student approached her. She growled as she turned around to see his dark blue eyes staring down into hers. That was something she hated so much about him. He was so rude, but so, so cute. Almost as cute as Garroth and Laurance, but not quite there.

"Leave me alone!"

"Oh, come on. You still can't be mad at me. Think about it this way: isn't Kitty a cuter nickname than Potato?"

"They're both bad and I don't appreciate either!"

"Aw, it just means that people have a special affection for you."

"So you like me?"

"Nah, not one bit. I just like toying with people and you missy set yourself up to be the perfect target."

"How?" she yelled.

"Hm, let's see. Well first off you got caught up with Laurance and Garroth. Oh, and how lucky am I that they both ended up liking you! It's the perfect formula to not only toy with you but I get the pleasure of seeing them go at each other if one of them finds out. Second, Ivy hates your guts so if she saw this picture of you kissing her man, well, I'd hate to think what she'd do."

"How do you know about Ivy?" she asked, panicked.

"The walls have ears, my dear Kitty. Oh! But not only that, you turned out to be a feisty one! Seeing how you dealt with that Aaron guy. Which means you're going to be a fun one to have in my gang."

"I already told you I'm not joining and you can't force me!"

"Oh, I'm not going to force you. You're going to join on your own."

"Pfft, yeah right," she replied, crossing her arms. Just then, the bell rang.

"That's the bell. Come on, let's go."

"To class? Because that sounds like a great plan." Gene laughed at her.

"Nope, no. We're skipping school today."


"You heard me. Let's go."

"No way! Go get your little lackeys to skip with you."

"Sasha and Zenix are already waiting for us outside of school." Gene looked up as Aaron came around the corner, stopping when he noticed the two of them.

"Hmph," Aphmau said, looking away from him. He growled and shook his head, continuing on his way.

"You're the only one I know who can look that guy in the eye," Gene chuckled. "You're tougher than you look. Now follow me. If not I'll just text this picture to Laurance. I'm sure he'll love to see it. It will get him motivated for his upcoming game, for sure." Gene walked away, knowing he had won. Aphmau looked at the ground and shook her head in anger before following him. She looked around as they moved, hoping no one would see them.

Aaron sat in class all the while and noticed how she never showed. It made him mad that he cared where she was. He slightly missed her yelling at him. No one ever fought back with him and got away with it, but she did.

Gene led Aphmau to the bridge in the park by her house. She was still anxious about getting caught. So anxious it made her mad.

"I swear if you get me into any more trouble outside of skipping, I'll-" she began before being cut off.

"Relax, Kitty, you're just going to get to know Sasha, Zenix, and myself better. Then, we're going to go out for coffee later."

"You drink coffee?"

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