Chapter 18: She-Wolf

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Aphmau stood on the soccer field, wand in hand, Vylad by her side, and a pumpkin sitting in front of her. Determination filled her eyes, but her heart felt fear of failure. She had been trying for almost an hour to change the pumpkin into something else for her Witchcraft class. She tried several different spells, most of which did not exist, but none of them worked. Though she was having a rough time, Vylad stayed by her side in support and encouragement.

"A hundred puppy-asikit!" she said, pointing her wand at the pumpkin, and standing a weird position. When it didn't work, she tried a different one. "Puppies-maximus!"

The pumpkin remained unmoving. Vylad glanced over at Aphmau and smiled. She was getting slightly frustrated and he found it somewhat humorous.

"Maybe with more feeling? What about... Dankus-memesus!" She waved the wand at the pumpkin again, but it gave the same result.

The feeling of determination she had was gone. In its place was the feeling of failure, just what she had feared. Vylad stood up, ready to comfort her.

"That's it! I give up! I'm never gonna get a hundred puppies."

"Are you sure you're doing the spell right?" Vylad questioned.

"I was! See?" She pulled out a book from her backpack and turned the pages until she found her assignment. "It says I should be able to summon a hundred puppies by using these magic words!"

"Hmm... have you tried saying 'please'?"

With his phrase, the pumpkin began to change. Aphmau looked at it eagerly, waiting for her puppies. She was immediately disappointed when it turned into a potato instead.

"You did that on purpose!" she accused.

"No, I didn't! I didn't! Sorry, sorry. I'm not sure exactly how witchcraft works."

Aphmau sighed. She desperately tried turning the pumpkin into puppies, or just anything at that point. All Vylad did was mutter one word and it changed. The fact that it became a potato offended her more than anything, but she pushed it aside.

"It's fine. It's not like I have an exam coming up for it or anything..."

"You don't? Phew, that's good."

"Do you understand sarcasm?"


"Are you being sarcastic about that?"


Aphmau sighed again. "In any case, this is the first free period I've had in a long time. Did you wanna do anything in particular?"

"Well, it's magicks and witchcraft week, isn't it?"

"It's just called Spirit Week," she corrected him.

"I wanna go check out the bake sale they're having in the cafeteria!" he said excitedly.

"There's a bake sale going on?" Aphmau wondered what was so special about a bake sale that would qualify it for Spirit Week.

"Yeah! It's a magicks and witchcraft bake sale, too! So I'm super excited to try all the pastries made with spells and magicks and stuff! They've got magic rice Krispy treats, magic cakes, magic brownies!"

Aphmau jumped two feet in the air at the word. "Magic brownies? What are we waiting for? I love sweets, let's go!" She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him along with her to the cafeteria. Though she had very short legs, he could barely keep up with her pace.

The cafeteria was filled with several students who had the same idea as they did. Every table was occupied and there were even kids sitting in the hallway with their food. The Spirit Week's bake sale was always a huge hit since the bakers used spells and other things to enhance the flavors in their goods.

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