Chapter 19: Aaron's Friend

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It was late at night and Sylvanna was covered in fur. She was using a lint roller to clean up the couches and other furniture made of fabric. She finally became annoyed and made her way to the bottom of the staircase.

"Aphmau! Aphmau, come down here!" she called.

"No!" she replied.

"Aphmau, what did I tell you about your shedding?! There's fur all over the couch!"

Aphmau exited her room sheepishly, wearing her pajamas. "I can't control it!"

"Well, you obviously can control it when you decided to turn into a werewolf without my permission!"

"It's not my fault!" she replied, coming to the bottom of the stairs. "Kawaii~Chan threw the potion at my before I had time to react!"

"You told me she said it was supposed to last for a few hours. You've been like this the entire weekend!"

"She grabbed the wrong potion in the first place! She said this might last for a week!"

"Well, if you don't turn back soon, I'm going to have to take you to a witch doctor. Literally. Now, can you at least clean up after you shed from now on? This is the last lint roller I've used."

Aphmau sighed. "Alright, Mom, I will. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Now go get ready for bed, you've got school in the morning."

"Okay." Aphmau began back up the stairs.

"Oh, and I bought the lavender flea shampoo for you!" Sylvanna called to her with a laugh.


Aphmau sat on her bed, trying to figure out how to get comfortable. She turned to her stuffed animal and just stared at it. She wasn't used to sleeping with a tail, but she had to admit that it along with the ears were both super cute. The word "cute" reminded her of Garroth and Laurance. They hadn't seen her like that yet. She decided to send them a picture so they wouldn't be freaking out when they saw her the next day.

She yawned audibly, and remembered that at least Katelyn and Teoni knew. That would save her from explaining things to everyone. She yawned again and decided it was time for bed.


At school the next morning, Balto made his way to the boys' restroom. Inside he found two werewolves that were standing in his way. "You two, step aside," he ordered casually.

"Heh, why should we?" the gray-haired boy asked. "You aren't the alpha anymore."

"Don't make me--"

"Make you what? Get thrown out of a window? Ha! Pathetic. See ya loser." The two boys left the restroom, leaving Balto alone.

He growled loudly in anger and broke the mirror, clenching his fists. "Darn it! I swear I'm gonna take you down, Aaron, if it's the last thing I do!"

A boy left a stall quietly, low chuckle coming from his throat. It was Gene. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the big bad wolf."


"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear the loud conversation you were having with yourself."

Balto growled at him. "So? What do you want?"

"I wanna see if you wanna work with me on--" Gene was cut off by Balto's laughter.

"Work? With you? You're funny. I'm a lone wolf now, I don't need any help." Balto turned to leave but stopped when Gene continued.

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