Chapter 10: First Kiss

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"Oh, Sylvanna, these quesadillas are amazing, as usual," Zianna said, pronouncing "quesadilla" even more wrong than before. Sylvanna chuckled.

"It's pronounced quesadilla, Zianna."

"That's what I said, Macarena!" Sylvanna laughed at her uncultured friend.

"You haven't changed a bit in years."

"Never, girlfriend!"

"BFFs fo' life, yo!"

"Fo' sho'!" They continued preparing food while Aphmau and Garroth stood outside the kitchen, groaning at their mothers quietly.

"Mom," they both whined.

"Do you remember our moms being this embarrassing?" Aphmau asked.

"I think we were too young to remember." Aphmau sighed.

"Well, at least it isn't at school."

"That would be a nightmare. Hey, uh, maybe I could show you around the house. That way we don't have to sit here and listen to our moms' embarrassing conversations."

"That sounds like a plan!" Garroth smiled and took Aphmau to the stairs.

"So, these are our stairs," he said, standing on the second step.

"Wow! I've never seen stairs before! How do you have access to such technology?" Aphmau said playfully.

"I didn't mean it like that." He took her up onto the second floor. He walked over to a door and smirked. "Anyway, here is Zane's room." He opened the door without knocking and walked right in. "Hey, baby brother!"

"Gwah! Garroth! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" On his computer was the same game Aphmau played online with FC.

"Are you playing that dumb game again? You know we have company over. Just pause it and come downstairs!" Aphmau nervously stood in the corner as the two bickered.

"Get out, Garroth! I'm in the middle of a dungeon! I'll come down when I feel like it! Now shut the door and leave!" Aphmau and Garroth left Zane's room quickly. Garroth shut the door behind him and shook his head.

"Sheesh! Sorry about Zane. He likes to isolate himself a lot."

"It's no problem! But you know, he's right. You can't pause MMOs."

"I wouldn't know. I'm not that into gaming like he is."


"Well, I am! But I only play console games every now and again."

"Oh, I see." Feeling the awkwardness, he led her over to another door.

"Ah, and over here is Vylad's room." He did the same as Zane's room, walking in without knocking. He was sitting on his bed, legs crossed, head down, and candles surrounding him. "Hey, Vylad."

"Garroth. Brother," Vylad said, sighing after each word. "You really have this problem with doors and knocking." He took in a deep breath and said, "Don't you?"

"Sorry, baby brother. I'll try to remember next time."

"It's..." Vylad took a long pause. "Fine. I was just finishing some new meditation thing I saw. Hey, not alone buddy," he said, noticing Aphmau. He took in another deep breath and said, "I'll be with you soon." Then he exhaled. "I want to finish this or I won't be at peace with my inner self... or something."

"Wow! I didn't realize you were so deep, not alone buddy!" Aphmau said, laughing.

"We'll leave you alone, baby bro."

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