Chapter 20: Aphmau Plays Cupid

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After she finally became human again, no ears and tail to bother her anymore, Aphmau went home to her mother, who was more than happy she wouldn't have to clean up any more fur. She went straight to bed and slept off the day.

In the morning, Garroth met her at her house and walked to school with her. They told each other about what they had been doing since they last saw each other. Garroth was in the middle of a story when they reached the fountain in the front of the school.

"And then he goes, 'Yeah, well it takes one to know one.' And I was all like, 'Burn!'" He and Aphmau laughed at his account of the event.

"You just yelled that right in front of them?"

"Yeah! It was great. I wish you could have been at the game."

Aphmau giggled in response. "Same. Sorry, I had a lot of homework I needed to do that night. Then, I went into a dungeon with my friend and--"

"A dungeon?"

"Ah, the video games, heh."

"Oh, I see. Man, we got to school so fast," he complained.

"Wow, I know right! Thanks for walking with me again."

"No, thank you for walking with me. It's always great."

"Well, I gotta--" she began.

"Aphmau, wait. I, um, wanted to ask, uh, if you thought about getting a boyfriend."

"Hm? Oh, yeah! I ordered one in the mail. He comes with like seven outfits."

"Wait, what?"

Aphmau laughed. "I'm joking, I'm joking. It's a terrible joke, I know, but, sorry, it's just the way you said it." She giggled again and Garroth laughed too.

"Funny. Uh, but, I'm kind of serious. I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in talking about that soon."

"I-It's just that you brought it up so suddenly. I--"

"That's fine. That's why I said soon. We don't have to talk about it now. Just, um... think about it? Okay?"

"Okay, I will. Um, I need to get to class. I'm helping the teacher set up a project for first period, so I'll talk to you later?"

"Talk to you later!"

Aphmau walked off into the school and Garroth's eyes never left her.

"She's beautiful..." he muttered to himself.

Gene came over and stood next to him. "Man, you really have the hots for her, huh?"

"Huh? Gene?"

"Long time no see, Garroth. How you been?"

"I've been great without you around," Garroth snapped. "So let's keep it that way."

"I can tell."

Garroth began to walk away from him.

"Hey, where are you going?" Gene asked.

"Away from you."

"Fine. I guess you don't wanna know the big secret Aphmau's been keeping from you. Of course, you aren't one to kiss and tell, either, are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I happen to know your little secret, Garroth."

"You mean... when I kissed Aphmau."

"What?" Gene asked in sarcastic shock. "You kissed Aphmau?"

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