[13] (S)he Be(lie)ve(d)

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Okay so guys, there has been a misunderstanding but Cameron actually plays as Asher. So sorry, I'll fix it soon! But there you go, pic of Asher on the side!
Anyways on with the story!


Trust. In this world, I want to be trusted. I want a person to look at me and they know that I'll always have their backs.
I want people to always believe me.

In a relationship, trust is a very important part of it. You do not want to be too clingy or jealous. But what is the other side seems a little suspicious? Guys tend to find girls annoying and unreadable. But really, they just need to be more patient with. We're meant to be different.

But that doesn't give us the right to constantly nag on them with something. Now that's just plain annoying. Not even trying to be nice or tactful there.

I really have no idea where I'm going with right now. I guess I'm just lost. I'm confused. I really want to understand why they left me. I don't get it, at all.

It's way beyond my comprehension.

"Fay, please let me explain," Asher said with a pained expression.

"I don't need your explanation, the way you left me so easily has already said enough," I responded.

"No, please. You don't understand."

"I don't need to understand," I told him as I motion him to get out of my room.

I turned back to my bed until I heard him say, "I'm a werewolf-"

I froze.

He continued, "-and so are Chelsea, Nina, Andrew, Jay and Kyle."

I looked at him in disbelief. Is he really going to blurt out his secrets?

I pretended to laugh hysterically, "And I'm the Queen of England. Nice try, but try again."

"No, I'm serious."

"No, way," I said,"Those kind of creatures don't exist."

"Then let me show you," he said, stretching his hand out.

I took it and looked at him expectantly.

He smirked and pulled me close to his body. On that note, he jumped down out of my balcony and I let out a small shriek.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Yep, crazy about you apparently," he winked.

He carried me bridal style and started to ran with an inhuman speed.

In a matter of minutes, we've arrived at the cabin where we had our first date.

"Fay, listen. Whatever I will show you after this, please do not be scared of me. I would never hurt you, okay? I care about you too much to hurt you, I don't even think that's physically possible for me."

I let in a sharp intake of breathe then nodded,"okay."

Asher smiled at me and started to take of his clothes. I masked my face with confusion but Lord help me his abs are just... God I just want to ran my hand- Wait, bad Trisha, bad Trisha.

Next thing I know is that he's standing there with only his boxers on. I squeaked and closed my eyes.

"Come on cutie, you have to look."

I opened my eyes reluctantly.

I gasped, not because of the shift, but because of Asher's wolf.

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