[11] Gone

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Trisha on the side!



Accidents. They're all different yet the same. They lead one thing to another. Once you got into one, a light one or a heavy one, it doesn't make any difference. It will always be there and it will always be a part of your life. Some accidents just make a bigger influence in your life than others.

No matter where we go, we will always meet up with accidents. Maybe we will only meet smaller accidents like dropping your phone or just tripping in the parking lot of a mall. Bigger accidents will always happen and will always be there too, like getting kidnapped or when you got caught up in a car crash.

For me, our lives are made up of an arrangement of accidents that leads to another, like an arrangement of atoms that made up one thing. That's the perception of life for me. Accident leads up to so many greater things, but sometimes it also leads you to the thing that you hate the most.

In my life, I think I have an equal share of good and bad accidents.

I mean, I am forever grateful to have a mate like Asher. He's perfect. Sweet, caring, smart yet he balanced it out with a little cocky attitude and his adorable sarcastic remarks.

I think I might even be falling for him. Falling hard. He's amazing.

Why am I even talking about this and going all deep on you guys? I really don't know. I guess I just feel like it.

Ash had some family emergencies and he had to go somewhere with the gang, too. Pretty suspicious if you ask me. But I also have to set up personal boundaries. I have to trust Asher since he is my mate. Mine, and trust is a very important aspect to a relationship.

Anyhow, right now I am on my way to Harper's room because I know that there's something kinda off with her lately. She's been smiling a lot and she's been dressing up with more effort lately. Which if you summed it up it can only mean one thing, she has a boyfriend. For me, that's frigging exciting, because well we can go gush about this guy together. Ah, young love. Asher and I are far more than that since we're mates, but Harper? She's too young to have a mate.

When I reached her room my hand automatically shot up to knock on her door. But before I did, I heard something from inside her room that sound like a giggle. Harper's giggle to be exact. With my werewolf hearing, I can hear a couple of hushed sentences said by her, "Okay bye."

With that I thought it would be a great time to start knocking on the door.

"Hey, Harper. It's me, can I come in?"

"Yeah sure, just open the door, it's unlocked."

I peeped my head in and saw Harper lying on her bed playing on her Macbook.

"Heya," I greeted her cheerfully.

"Hey," she greeted me back.

"So... I got to ask you something."

"What is it?" she asked curiously, and her face contorted in confusion.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I gushed.

Her face turned into a shocked one, "Oh my gosh, how did you know?"

"Well for starters, you've been smiling a lot and you've been dressing up more," I paused, "And I'm a teenage girl, also I have a boyfriend, I think it is safe to say that I so can guess."

She rolled her eyes at me and bit her lip. Something she did when she's thinking.

"Okay, so I do have a boyfriend," she said exasperatedly, "but please don't tell anyone."

"Okay, okay sheesh," I winked at her, "So, what's his name? Does he live near here? You know what just tell me everything!"

Her eyes lit up and started to told me everything and I mean everything.

Turns out his name is Brandon, he's 14 just like her, and he's a basketball player. He's 60% goofy and 40% hot. At least that's what Harper said.

After ranting and telling me everything about this Brandon guy, she started to pant slightly and just sit there in front of me.

"So, what about you and Asher?" she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"What about me and Asher?" I asked confusedly.

"Oh come on, I'm pretty sure that there are many juicy stuffs going on."

"Yeah, I guess so. I mean we did have our first date and we wen to this-" I was cut off short with my phone ringing on my lap.

'New message from Heart Robber <3' it reads. Hey, don't judge.

I gave a signal for Harper to wait for awhile and she just nodded her head.

"Hey babe, I'll see you soon. Don't forget our promise xoxo, your amazingly sexy and undeniably hot boyfriend"

I rolled my eyes at the last part, but I got confused by that message. What does that even mean? See you soon? We are going to meet tomorrow for school so that one doesn't really make sense.

Harper must've sensed my worry because she started to tap my shoulder. I tilt my head to her.

"What's wrong?" She said warily.

"Oh nothing, just an eerie text. But anyways, where was I?"

I continued to talk about our first date with Harper and I guess I heard a car pulling out of the driveway but it went unnoticeably by me.

After I got out from Harper's room and into my own room I decided to replied the text Asher gave to me.

"What do you mean babe? Oh and by the way, I'm so much hotter than you <3

Xoxo, T"

After typing out that text I decided to take a nice nap and so I did. I took off my covers and went underneath my sheets.

With that, I was out.


A/N: Hey guys, so I know I said something big was going to happen on the next chapter last chapter but it's just too long so I've decided to divide it into 2 or maybe even more parts.

So, who ships Branper? No worries, they'll show up after all the big stuffs is done, so probably about 2 or more chapters.

Okay so that's it.

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