[2] Fay Anderson

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"Excuse me, miss, but we have arrived in our destination." a female voice said, waking me up. I'm guessing she's the stewardess. I hadn't even realize that I have fallen asleep in the plane.

"Oh okay, thank you for waking me up." I told her.

"My pleasure," she says and walks away.

I sighed. Time to begin my life in Indonesia, Jakarta specifically. l went out the plane and get all my suitcases with the help of the helper (I really don't know what to call them). Once I got into the lobby I found a guy, maybe a driver, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. He's holding a paper that says my name on it. I went to him with my trolley and says "Hi, I'm Trisha!"

"I'm Joni, come on let's go to the car, I'll help you with your suitcases."


"No problem."

He led me to the parking lot and we approached a black family car which probably fits for about 8 passengers. Joni load all of my suitcases and boxes while I wait in the car. I feel kind of bad though, I really want to help him but he says no. He said that it is his job to help me but whatever. But then I realize, he's too casual to be a driver, God everything here is starting to confuse me.

Joni got into the car and he starts to drive, I'm guessing to my new house with my adoptive family, of course.

Around one hour later we've arrived at a pretty big house. It's painted white and eggshell, giving it the homey look. There's a garden in front filled with healthy and vibrant flowers and plants. There's also a swing on the porch. Overall, I like what I see so far.

I just realized that I'm just there gawking like an idiot in the middle of the driveway until Joni's voice broke me out of my thoughts, "Are you going to knock on the door or are you just going to stand there?"

I chuckled but followed him into the house. Joni told me to knock on the front door while he's going to the back door with my suitcases. He's not allowed to go in from the front door since he's just a driver and it is easier to go upstairs from the back but who knows, right?

I walked towards the door and knocked three times. I waited for a couple of seconds until a friendly looking woman opened the door. She has a dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. Wow, she looks like your typical californian but only older version, I guess.

"Hello there, you must be Trisha, I'm Jennifer, your new adoptive mom! Dean, my husband should be in the living room with us any minute now, oh pardon me, please come in!" She talks so fast that I can't even keep up.

"Hi," I said shyly. She led me inside the house. I looked around my surroundings and there was a pretty big living room with brown leather couches and armchairs, a wide coffee table, a carpet that's laid out under the couches and coffee table also a huge TV.

There's a bookshelf to the right and a door to the bathroom nearby. The dining room is connected to the living room, it is right beside it with big mahogany tables and chairs.

On the couch, a girl, around 14 years old is playing with her phone. A little girl around 12 is playing with the cutest toddler ever. The eldest girl has a brown hair with blue eyes while the 12 years old girl has a blonde hair and blue eyes and a pointy nose. The toddler has a brown hair with striking blue eyes, kinda like mine.

Oh my god, I forgot to mention, the family I'm living with is actually all american that lives in Jakarta, so that my disability to speak Indonesian is explainable.

Jennifer gestured me to sit in the couch next to her and so I did, quite awkwardly might I add.

The moment I sat one the couch, an old looking man around he late 40s descended the stairs and sat down in the couch opposite of me and Jennifer, I'm guessing he is Dean.

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