[27] Sucky Mates

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Trisha's POV
And suddenly, I was slipped out of consciousness. Quickly, I snapped my eyes open before realizing my mistake. Bright eyes blinded my eyes and a headache just seemed to appear in the back of my head. I groaned at the pain and swiftly, I casted a spell to make the pain go away. I really need to stop being so dependent on magic, don't want the past repeat itself. I sensed some movements next to me and suddenly warmth and tingles spread through my hands like an electric shock, I instantly knew who it was. Xavier. A smile creeped on my face. I turned my head and opened my eyes slowly this time.

"Xav," I croaked out.

"Water, right."

He reached out for the water on the bedside table of what seemed to be our bedroom. "Here."

I drank the water like I haven't drank any in years. Once my throat was hydrated, I said "How long was I out?"

"Three days," I'm not surprised, "you scared me half to death."

"Been a tiring couple of days," I shrugged. It was then when I finally took notice of him. He had eye bags under his eyes and his hair looked disheveled and dull. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping in awhile. "Xavier, did you get any ounce of sleep while I was unconscious?" I asked him sternly. I saw him gulped. Good. "Umm....No," he replied but it sounded more like a question.

"Xavier," I warned.

"Okay fine, I haven't slept since you fainted. I just couldn't. My wolf was restless, heck we were inconsolable. Your brother though, he seemed okay with it, which was very surprising. I don't get it, he just shrugged it off. Put you in bed, then left, he said he had to go to sleep. Just like that."

"Aye, Xav, don't forget that Trey's also a half-witch/warlock he gets these kinds of things too, only the problem is, this time, he didn't use as much magic as I did. We're not a full-on witch Xav, we have limits."

"I knew I shouldn't have let you fought," he muttered.

"Doesn't matter, I would've sneaked out and fight them either way," I shrugged. He growled, "As long as you're living with me, you will never, and I mean ever, sneak out. Do I make myself clear?"

"Sure," I snorted. Like that's ever going to happen. I'm not going to sit around like some kind of pushover.

"I'm serious Trisha," he warned.

"I know," I stated,"but you have to understand that it is against my nature to sit around while people are away risking their lives for me, it just doesn't feel right."

"I don't care."


"No buts. I'm going to get the pack to train harder and make a new defense strategy. There's no way am I letting you out of my sight."

"Xavier, you're being ridiculous, why wou-"

"I'm sorry I didn't know that trying to protect my beautiful mate is a ridiculous act."

"That's not what I meant, you don't understand, I'm used to it, don't worry."

"I'm your mate, I'll always have to worry about you! I can't stop even if I want to! Don't you get it? I tried!"

"Oh, so now I'm a f.cking burden?!" Rage was coursing through me. Are you kidding me? I thought he was different.

"Stop assuming things! And don't raise your voice at me!" Hypocritical because he's also raising his voice. His eyes suddenly turned 10x darker. Sh.t.

"Are we seriously having this conversation?" I exclaimed.


Tears streamed down my face, "Did you just say what I think you just said?"

"For the love of the gods above Xavier, I thought you were better than that! NEVER EVER BRING MY MOM INTO THIS! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!"

His eyes softened immediately, "Baby, I'm so sorry, that just popped out-"

I cut him off,"Oh so you're saying that it's been in your mind?"

He quickly averted his gaze.

"I can't believe you. I thought you were different. If you don't want me that's fine. I'll leave."

I was about to walk away, when I felt a hand on my wrist. "Please don't leave. Please, don't leave me, I need you, please."

"Too late," I whispered. Another goodbye. Great work Trisha.

I was about to slip out of his grasp when he suddenly dropped down to his knees and clung to me like it's his life. I gasped, he's literally begging on his knees. And above all, he's actually crying and mumbling incoherent things like, "I can't stand another goodbye, please Trisha. I'll let you sleep in another room, hell, I'll let you sleep at another house as long as you're close to me, just give me a second chance, just-"

"Xav, I think we need to take a break. I mean, look at us! We're not ready, we're bot ready to live in one place yet, I could go home and we can spend time together like before, it'll be okay."

"NO! You don't get it do you? I have this thing, my parents noticed, my friends noticed, hell, even my little sister noticed, I'm one of those people who always have the urge to be with the people I love. It's weird, the reason why I was so eager to have you move in was, well, because I just can't stand the feeling of you not in my grasp you know. When we're in Jakarta, I used to sneak into your room just to see if you're alright."

"So now, you're like Edward Cullen?" Pathetic, I know.

He cracked a smile, "I guess."

"Tell you what, you can go to your family's house for the weekend, you're right, we both need to figure things out. But I don't think I have the strength to let you go. When you return, we can sort things out. How's that?"

"I'll take it."

The weekend flew by quickly and I had fun with Trey and my Dad. At first Trey and my Dad were clearly upset, I still am, my mom is a very touchy subject for our family. She basically took a huge part of our lives, and that's saying something because I've never actually met her. I wish I had though, she sounds amazing. Dad said that she can play the violin and the piano, and when she played, she played like an angel from the heaven itself.

All these things made me kind of doubting Xavier and I's relationship. I mean, he doesn't get that I have alpha blood too, it's impossible for me to do nothing while people are risking their lives for me.

I went back to our house and knocked on the door. After a couple of seconds I heard shuffling and footsteps and finally, the creak of the front door. And there he was, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Hey," he breathed out.

I released the breathe that I didn't know I was holding, "Hi."


HAPPY EASTER! AND THAT'S ALL I GOT I'm truly sorry. I suck, I know

Yours Truly,

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