[15] Shopping :)

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Fay's Outfit on the side!!!
When I told Chelsea and Nina about Asher asking me out to the dance, they were pretty much more ecstatic than I am.

That weekend we decided to go shopping. We went to the mall in the center of Jakarta which is pretty much one of the biggest malls here.

We looked for dresses everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

We went to this little cute boutique which had the cutest dresses ever. Like ever.

"What about this one?" Chelsea asked while holding a really cute black dress which reached above her knees and is tight on the bust but very flowy in the bottom. It's sparkly in the bottom but spread out evenly until the end of the bust.

It looks amazing on her.

"That dress is so pretty. Jay would totally be all over you," Nina winked.

Chelsea blushed madly.

"Pft...no," she denied.

"Yeah, right," I snorted in a very un-lady like way. Oh well, I ain't no lady.

Nina ended up finding a dress in that boutique as well and that leaves up to me.

Nina's dress is stunning. It's a white floor length dress with a glittery detailing in the neckline. It's so nice and elegant.

Since we were all so tired we decided to eat lunch first before we continue to look for my dress.

I'm a very fast eater, so I finished before them both and thought that I would look around for a dress by myself.

To be honest, I was just looking around aimlessly around the mall until I found this empty way and in the corner there's this empty shop that I'm guessing is not very popular or branded but I just decided to go for it. I'm that desperate to find the perfect dress.

After a couple of minutes looking through clothes and dresses I came across a very nice dress.

It would probably reach mid-thigh and it's just so me. My dress is pretty dressy. It's black and flowy. I knew that it is the perfect dress immediately.

I also knew that it would match with my new black pumps that I've been dying to wear but never had the opportunity to.

I bought it after I tried it on and went to a shop that sells bags and accessories and shoes.

I bought a cute black sling bag and a cute necklace that I know I will wear more than once.

After I stepped out of the shop I felt my phone vibrating in my bag and saw that I have 6 missed calls from Chelsea and 13 unread text. Well shizzle.

I called Chelsea's cell and she picked up after the first ring.

"OH MY GOD Fay, where are you? We've been waiting for ages now and I'm pretty sure that Asher will kill us if we lose you! You scared me half to death!" She yelled at me.

"Okay, sorry. It's just that I found the perfect dress and accessories and everything and I got carried away. I'm sorry, I'll meet you in the front lobby in 5 minutes. See ya!" I hung up.

I ran and pushed people through and I made it to the lobby in a record time. My PE coach would be proud of me.

I saw Chelsea tapping her foot near a strange Indonesian guy and Nina was on the phone with who knows who.

I tapped Nina's shoulder and she pointed her finger to wait.

Chelsea just gave me the middle finger.

"You suck," she told me.

"Sorry, jeez. I got carried away."

"No, not because you left us alone, but because you got all the things you need. Bag, accessories, everything. I have to dig through my wardrobe," she said while flailing her arms around to prove her point.

I just chuckled and said,"Your problem, not mine."

She flipped me off and got into the car.

Okay, then.

You know, sometimes I wonder how a person who looks so sweet and innocent can be such a spitfire. Irony.

In the car we basically just talked about hot guys and how we should totally go to Bali for a holiday because there are many hot guys there.

We got super excited by the idea until Nina pointed out that if the guys ever found out about this conversation they would totally freak out and be more possessive than they already are.

That was pretty much the end of our dreams to ogle and drool on hot guys in Bali.

Sucks to be us, right?

Several minutes later all of us have a craving for a Starbucks drink so we called the boys to meet us there.


The boys were already there when we arrived at Starbucks.

Turns out that Asher bought me my favorite drink so that I don't have to go down the line again.

Apparently the other guys didn't follow his footsteps which ended up to Chelsea and Nina hitting them behind their heads with an old magazine roll.


I sat on Asher's lap all the time and he wrapped his arms around my waist and will occasionally kiss the place where my neck and shoulder meet.

An hour later we found ourselves tangled up on the couch watching Hotel for Dogs.

At first the guys wanted to watch We're the Millers but us girls being the awesome and amazing person we are fought with them and ended up winning. They are so whipped.

I didn't know what happened after that but I did know that on that night I slept with Asher's arm wrapped around me protectively.

A/N: Hello pipol. How's life?

So today I bought my lunch from the school's cafeteria but ended up having a stomachache. What I didn't know is that my driver actually brought me my lunch and gave it to the security. Agh.

Anyways when I told my friends about me having a stomachache they ended up joking about me getting pregnant with this guy that sits next to me.




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