[9] Inseperable

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Don't you just love overprotective big brothers? Trey a.k.a Jace, has been more overprotective than he already is ever since what happened 2 days ago when I fell asleep with Asher and Trey found us cuddling in the swing of our backyard.

Let's just say that things didn't end that well.

Trey actually banned me from seeing Asher. He thinks it's the most brotherly way to do. Nu-uh Trey. No. No way.

When a werewolf met his or her mate it also means that we open a bond, a connection towards each other. When the couple is far away from each other, they'll feel pain. Like what I'm feeling right now.

I haven't seen Asher in about what, 2 days? And I'm already trapped into so many pains. I'm telling you, it is more unbearable than period cramps, and that's saying something, am I right ladies?

I've decided to confront Trey about this. He's being an overreacting, protective-in-a -VERY-stupid-way-brother and I've had enough of it.

I limp my way towards Trey's, excuse me, Jace's room because my stomach is hurting so bad and when I got there, I saw him just laying there in his bed with his headphones on. Jerk. While I'm suffering unbearable pain he's just being the lazy butt he is and listen to rock music on the highest volume, because that's so brotherly. Way to go, big bro! Congratulations you've just won the brother of the year award.

I snapped out of my thoughts and all the rage and fury came back to me. I am far beyond pissed, and the Fates knew what I can do when I've reached that level.

"THE HELL TR-JACE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IN PAIN I AM RIGHT NOW, IT'S UNBEARABLE YOU BUTTHOLE! I NEED TO SEE ASHER! IF YOU KEEP THIS UP ANY LONGER I MIGHT JUST DIE BECAUSE OF THE PAIN! SNAP OUT OF IT JACE! YOU ARE BEING RIDICULOUS DO YOU KNOW THAT?" I yelled at him. I'm kind of afraid that I'm being too harsh with my twin but I just can't help it. He's being utterly ridiculous about the whole situation.

His eyes held sorrow and regret. He pulled me in into a hug. Usually our hugs are warm and comforting, but now it's just plain awkward. Well, for me, at least, Trey seems to be feeling okay about it.

He pulled away when he noticed my discomfort.

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice cracked, like he was holding back tears.

"Why, Trey?" I whispered quietly, knowing he could still hear me.

"Because," he paused for a moment,"I guess you could say that I'm just, you know, jealous. You've been giving him more attention to him than to me. Even when you know that I've just got here. I still couldn't get over the fact that you've been kidnapped, by humans. What if something bad happens? Now you're paying attention to that Asher guy so much and I'm afraid that you'll leave Dad and me. Come on, Fay, I'm just so scared that our family's going to fall apart," by now he was practically breaking down.

He leaned on the wall and slid down, trying to steady his breathing. I get him though, for me and Trey, family is everything. The empty feeling of a mother's presence that we've always felt our whole life always reminds us that family is precious. Family is home, though I do understand that some may not be as fortunate as I am to have a very caring and amazing family as I do. For that, I am forever grateful. We're a pretty small team, but we'll manage.

I do feel bad though, Trey's right. I should really pay attention to him much more. I really don't want to lose my big brother. He's probably one of the most important man on my life.

After a couple of moments I had an idea, "Jace, why don't we go out? Not far, maybe just the mall. We can go to a frozen yoghurt stall and I promise I'll pay."

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