[26] "Magical" Celebration

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Pack house picture on the side/ up there
"But Xavier...." I whined.

I'm currently in Xavier's office in the pack house sitting in one of the couches in his office with my legs crossed. Ever since I moved in all I ever did was wait up for him to finish work because apparently I'm to pretty to be alone in a big house surrounded by the forest with possible chances of rouges lurking in it.

"No, you are not leaving."

"Why not?"


"Because of what?"

"Just because."

"Xavier, I'm bored out of my mind here, can I at least go out with my friend?"

"You have a friend?"

"Hold on there, of course I have friends!"

"I mean from this pack."

"Yeah, her name's Allison."

"The old beta's daughter?"


"Fine, you can go, oh and by the way, we have a pack celebration for you being in this pack, so you'll have to get ready, it's going to be held tonight."

"You could've told me sooner! But okay, I'll take it," I pecked him on the cheek.

"Here," he handed me a credit card.

"Xav I don't need this, I have my own money."

"I don't care, I'm your mate, I'm supposed to provide for you."

"I know, okay, fine, I'll take it," I said defeated.

I walked out of his fancy office and skipped towards our room. Yes, I did say skip. Once I reached my room I pulled out my phone and called Allison.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings....



"Yes, I have so much to tell you! But I have to get ready for the celebration tonight, I'm sure you've had heard about it."

"Yeah, the new luna thing...wait a minute, you're the new luna," she squealed.

"Ya, can you meet me in the mall in like half an hour?"

"Sure, can I bring my friends?"

"Why not! It'll be so much fun."

"Cool see ya."

"See ya Allie," I hung up the phone and smiled, finally, I'm actually socializing. I changed into a pair of black leggings and a white muscle tee. I put on my Converse and bag and left for Xavier's office.

I knocked on the door to his office and he told me to come in.

"Babe, I'm leaving, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. The guards will be waiting for you at the door."

"Wait, what?"

"You're a luna, you need protection, especially when I'm not around, so a group of guards will drive you to the mall and tag along to look after you," he said calmly like he expected this to happen.

What he didn't expect is this, "EXCUSE ME? I CAN PROTECT MYSELF PERFECTLY FINE!"

He cringed at my tone,"I know you can, but I'd feel a lot better letting you go to public if you have some guards with you."

"But I-"

"We are not having an argument about this," he said sternly.

"Seriously Xav, you make me want to stab myself with a fork! Hope your werewolf healing also deals with back pains from sleeping on the couch tonight!"

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