[10] First Date

357 11 1

Trisha (Fay)

I tend to be very grateful of what I have. My dad always said that my mother never took her powers for granted. She uses it very wisely, and she always use her powers to help people with their needs. I've always wanted to be like her.

Just think, when Trey stepped up to be alpha, I'll be going around our pack's tremendous territory and help people with my magic. Maybe even tutor some kids from my pack. After all, I took an online college course in high school.

I'd also like to be grateful for the past things that's been happening to me lately. Especially Asher. He's just - perfect. I couldn't ask for an any better mate.

I couldn't help to think though, he has an alpha voice, and he seemed faster and stronger than an average werewolf. The way he acts totally give away that he is not a freelance wolf. He acts like a pack member. Could he really be an alpha? But what is he doing here, packs are banned in Indonesia since the war. This is the sacred grounds.

Now that I think of it, Asher's pretty confusing.


My eyes fluttered open because of the blinding light shining through my eyes. Sun. Ugh.

I felt an arm holding on my waist protectively with sparks going of on where it touched me. Asher. A grin made its way to my face.

I turned my body around so I could see his facial features. His chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, thick eyebrows and lashes. He's probably the most handsome man I have ever met in my life.

I caressed his cheek softly and gently. He's so adorable like this. Vulnerable. I pecked his cheeks lightly, then his forehead, his eyelids, his jaw, and lastly, his lips.

He groaned but woke up anyways.

"I could got use to waking up like this every single day of my life," he said, his voice was hoarse and raspy.

I blushed, "Do you want breakfast? I could make you one."

"No, don't worry, I need to go and tell the gang about our date tonight, wear something casual, would you?" he said.

"Yes, of course."

He kissed my forehead and went out the door.

Okay, then.

I checked the clock, it's 10.34. I guess I just have to pass the day on. I still have about seven and a half hours until the date. Our first date.

My first date too, actually. I know, I'm sad like that. It's not like it's my fault. Boys, especially around my age and not Trey's friends must maintain a 35 meters radius from my house. My Dad and Trey said it was for 'protection' and that I can't date anyone except for my mate.

I guess I don't mind, I mean, I'm just glad that I'll probably lose my first everything to my mate that I've only known for about two or three weeks. Not even a month. Sure, no big deal, not weird at all. But I guess for me, weird doesn't begin to cover it.

I walked downstairs to cook breakfast, our maid, Lena, is sick so now everyone has to do everything on their own. Meh, I'm used to it.

I put on some toast in the toaster and made a sunny side up egg. I decided that I want bacon so I fried some too as well.

After I was done eating I washed all the dishes and cleaned up all the mess I made. I've always hated mess, probably why my room looks so clean.

When I turned my back to walk away from the kitchen I was greeted by Kylie, Harper and also Jacob, he was in Harper's arms.

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