Strange, Repeating Dream

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After several long hours later, I went home and Nomicon followed me stealthy. I ate and then went to bed since I was exhausted from all the training we did. I don't even know what Nomicon was even up to. Maybe I should ask Nomicon what he does on his free time and when he's not meditating. Should I start regularly meditation too? I mean it kind of looks boring, but also relaxing. I have been kind of stressed because of school, being the Ninja, and that weird dream I keep having.

My alarm went off and I dragged myself out of bed. It was 6:00 am and I just went to make breakfast. I started to eat the breakfast I made and started to wonder whether I should tell Nomicon about my weird, repeating dream. I guess it wouldn't be the worst idea I came up with. Ill tell Nomicon after I finish eating.

Once I had finished eating, I looked around for the NinjaNomicon, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I remember having him in my room, but I don't remember where I put him when I was cleaning.

Nomicon said, Hello, Ninja. I jumped when I turned to where I heard Nomicon's voice, he was right behind me. I said, Hey, Nomicon. How many times do I have to beg you not to do that, Nomicon? Nomicon said, Well, its not my fault that you weren't paying attention like you were supposed to, Ninja. A Ninja must always be aware of their surroundings.

I said in an annoyed tone, Not my fault that you're a professional ninja, Nomicon. Nomicon just smirked at me. I asked, What are you doing here anyways, Nomicon? Nomicon said, I simply had a feeling that you needed to speak with me about something important, Ninja. How did Nomicon know that I needed to talk to him about something important? Another great question is Does Nomicon know that I need to speak with him about my weird, repeating dream?

Nomicon asked, What weird, repeating dream are you speaking of, Ninja? I stared at him in shock, Can he read minds?! Nomicon said, Yes, I can read minds, Ninja. I asked, Can you please NOT do that ever again unless you HAVE too, Nomicon? Nomicon said, I will read the minds of anyone I chose it to be necessary, Ninja. I looked annoyed at Nomicon and Nomicon let out a little laugh.

I was still annoyed at Nomicon for reading my mind, but now I'm kind of afraid to tell Nomicon about the weird dream. It could just mean nothing and just be some stupid dream that I keep having for some weird, stupid reason. Nomicon looked at me worriedly and I figured it was because he read my mind and found out that I was worried about telling him my weird, repeating dream.

Nomicons POV

I had read the current Ninjas mind and he was worried about telling me his strange, repeating dream. I looked at him worriedly and he clearly noticed. I'm curious about what repeating dream Randy has been having. If the dream keeps on repeating each night or on certain nights, then it could possibly be a forgotten memory of his. Im just worried about what the dream could mean if it isnt a forgotten memory.

Randy's POV

I could tell that Nomicon was deep in thought. I want to tell Nomicon about the dream, but I'm still worried about what hell think about the stupid dream and about me. I also don't want to bother Nomicon while he's deep in thought.

Nomicon then grabbed me wrist and carefully led me to my bed. He sat down and then pat the bed signaling me to sit down next to him. I sat down on the bed and started to get nervous just thinking about all the possible reactions Nomicon would do after I tell him about my dream. Nomicon then said, You dont have to worry about what I think of your dream, Randy. I kind of just sat there staring at him in shock for a while since he never called me by first name unless it was important.

I then gathered any courage I had to tell Nomicon about my dream. I ended up telling him the whole dream and told him about how I started having the dream every night since I became the Norrisville Ninja. I braced myself for whatever Nomicons reaction was going to be, but I wasnt prepared for what he said next.

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