First Ninja

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Nomicon's POV

I saw the man grab Randy and started heading over to his car. Randy was trying get free from the man's grip as he was yelling, "LET ME GO, YOU SHOOB!!" I couldn't just stay in Randy's room, watching from the window as the man was forcing Randy to his car. I went to the door, unlocking the door, and then I ran out of the house. I yelled, "RANDY!!" I was running as Randy was thrown in the car, the man quickly got in his car, and then he drove off. The doors must have been locked and Randy was still in the car.

I quickly yelled to the man's former hostages, "GET IN THE HOUSE AND LOCK ALL THE OUTER DOORS AND WINDOWS!! I'M GOING AFTER RANDY!!" The man's former hostages agreed and quickly went into house. I started jumping from house to house as I tried my hardest to make my way to the car.

After 2 hours of chasing the car, I lost him. I looked everywhere, but he was nowhere in sight. I groaned in annoyance and I started heading back to Randy's house. Maybe the man's former hostages know where he could have taken Randy. I got to the house and knocked on the door. I then said, "It's only me."

The front door opened, and the little girl peeked out. She let me in and asked, "Where's big brother?" I asked, "Who's big brother?" She quickly answered, "Randy!" I looked at her worried and said, "I lost the car, but don't worry. I'll find Randy and I'll bring him back safe and sound."

The girl nodded and then I noticed that she wasn't wearing bandages on where her injuries were. I asked, "Why didn't you put on bandages or had your wounds treated, little ones?" The little girl said, "Big brother is the only one of us who knows how to treat wounds." I then said, "Oh. In that case, will you allow me to treat yours and the other 2's wounds?" She smiled and then quickly nodded.

After I had finished treating the 2 teenagers and the little girls wounds, I was going to ask one of them a question. I really didnt care which one answered. I just asked, Do any of you know where Randy could have been taken too? The 3 thought about the question for a short while and then the girl said, We know where big brother would have been taken too. I was shocked that she had an idea of where Randy would have taken too. I asked, Where?

The next day, I went to the location that they said Randy would have been taken too. I snuck in and found him. I got furious when I saw him. Just thinking about what he has done to Randy, had made me even more furious. After 2 minutes of looking around the large, broken down, former factory, I found Randy. No Randy He WILL pay.

When I spotted Randy, he was curled up in a ball. The only sound that was heard was Randy sobbing. I snuck over to Randy and whispered, Randy. He got scared and curled into a tighter ball, he was too scared to look up. I looked at him worriedly and then I looked around the room. The man wasnt around, so I summoned First Ninja. First Ninja looked around the room, saw Randy sobbing and curled up in a ball, then he looked at me, and whispered, Whats going on here, Nomicon?

I just explained everything to First Ninja and made sure that no detail was left unsaid. First Ninja was shocked, but still kept to the shadows near Randy. I had described the man in great detail to First Ninja. He then whispered, Ill look around the outer perimeter of the factory to make sure that the man is nowhere near here. Nomicon I said, Yes, what is it, First Ninja? First Ninja said firmly, I need you to calm down Randy and comfort him, Nomicon I nodded and then First Ninja took off, keeping hidden in the shadows.

I looked around and noticed that there were no cameras and that the man wasnt inside. I then walked out of the shadows and then kneeled down next to Randy. I started playing with Randys hair in a soothing way. He curled up a little tighter and then I whispered, Its okay, Randy. Its me, Nomicon. I summoned First Ninja a short while ago and hes checking around the outer perimeter looking to see if he could find the man that kidnapped you.

Randy slowly peeked from his curled-up form. He saw me as soon as he peeked up since I was right next to him. I smiled at him and then I suddenly felt a force go against me. The force was Randy, he had suddenly jumped out of his curled-up form and hugged me.

He buried his face in my chest and was sobbing nonstop. He was hugging as tightly as he could without squeezing me to the point where I couldnt breathe. I wrapped my arms around Randy and slowly caressing his back. First Ninja stealthy came and watched shortly from the shadows as I was cuddling Randy. He knew that I knew that he was there.

First Ninja's POV

When I came back from outside, I snuck over to where Nomicon and Randy was at. I saw Nomicon cuddling Randy and slowly caressing Randys back to calm Randy down. I knew that Nomicon knew that I was back. I came out of the shadows and Nomicon looked at me. He was glad that Randy was now safe. I walked up to the 2 and whispered to Nomicon, The man isn't nearby. Nomicon then said, "I believe that it's better that we go before the man comes back, First Ninja." I said, "I agree, Nomicon." The 3 of us left to go back to Randy's house.

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