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Nomicon's POV

I had told the Ninja something that he clearly wasn't prepared to hear me say. He appeared shocked and speechless. I said, "The dream isn't what it appears to be. The dream that you have been having more frequently once you became the Ninja is actually a forgotten memory of yours." Randy clearly was trying his hardest to process what I had said.

Randy's POV

I couldn't believe what Nomicon just said. My repeating dream is really a forgotten memory of mine?! Does that mean that I'm the Ninja Prince and that I have special powers? Nomicon said, "Yes, you are the Ninja Prince and you do have special powers." I looked at him annoyed since he read my mind again. Then, I looked at him confused when I noticed that Nomicon started to blush. I never saw him blush before; I wonder what he's blushing about.

I asked, "Nomicon, why are you blushing?" Nomicon suddenly looked away and said, "It doesn't concern you, Randy!" I leaned closer to Nomicon and even put my hand on his thigh. Nomicon looked at me and his face quickly turned as red as his hair. I did the puppy eyes at him and said, "Can you please~ tell me, Nomi-Chan~"

Nomicon's POV

Randy leaned closer to me and even put his hand on my thigh. I just looked at him. I started to feel extremely flustered. He then looked at me with his irresistible puppy eyes. He then said, "Can you please~ tell me, Nomi-Chan~" How could I resist those adorable puppy eyes?! I groaned in frustration and I then gave up on trying not to answer Randy's question. I said, "I was blushing because... because I was dating the Ninja Prince before he had disappeared..."

I looked at Randy to see his reaction and he was blushing several shades of ruby red. I read his mind and he thought, If the Ninja Prince like my forgotten memory entails, then he dated me?! I can't believe that he had dated me! Why can't I remember dating him?! It's so annoying!! There was a sudden loud knocking at the door. Randy went up to the window and peeked through the curtains.

Randy then looked annoyed and angry. I asked, "Randy, what's wrong? Why are you angry?" Randy said, "Stay here and DON'T let him see or hear you, Nomicon." Randy locked all the windows and close the curtains. He then walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. I was worried and surprised at Randy's reaction to who was at the door. I was also surprised at Randy's tone when he told me stay in the room and to not allow myself to be seen nor heard by "him". I don't know who "he" is.

Randy's POV

I looked out the window after loud knock was heard at door. I quickly became annoyed and angry when it was him. Nomicon was clearly worried and said something, but I was so concentrated on him that I didn't hear. I said in a tone that clearly surprised Nomicon, "Stay here and DON'T let him see nor hear you." I went around the room locking all the windows and closed the curtains. I then left the room and locked the door on my way out.

I went to the door and opened it. The man said, "Hello, Randy. Can I come in?" I said, "No. You know that you aren't allowed in this house unless there are police officers here too." He growled and was clearly annoyed that I refused to let him in. I then looked at his car and said, "You also know that you aren't allowed to leave anyone in your car without you in the car as well." He groaned again, getting more annoyed than he already was.

He then went to the car and grabbed 2 teenagers who were tightly tied up. There was blood around their wrists and ankles. I then said, "I said ALL of them." He groaned and then went to trunk of his car. He opened the trunk and took out a young, tightly tied up girl. She was as terrified as the other 2 young, tied up teenagers.

Nomicon's POV

I was peeking through the curtains. I was shocked when the man went to his car and took out 2 injured, terrified teenagers. They looked to be the same age as Randy. Randy said, "I said ALL of them." The man growled and then went to his car. He opened the trunk, took out a young girl, and went to the front door. He then put the girl on the floor next to the 2 teenagers and I was shocked. How did Randy know that the man had hostages?! How did Randy know that the man still had people tied up in the car?!

Randy's POV

It wasn't surprising that he had someone else still in the car. I know him, he's my uncle. I know that my parents aren't my birth parents. I really want to know who my birth parents are. I just hope that my birth parents would pay attention to me unlike my adapted parents. I knew that Nomicon was most likely peeking through the curtain, but I didn't care. I just don't want him to be seen or heard by my uncle.

I untied all 3 of my uncle's hostages. I then said firmly to my uncle, "Leave now and don't come back." He yelled, "SHUT THE F$@K UP!! YOU WILL BE COMING WITH ME, RANDY!!" He then grabbed me and started dragging me to his car. I started yelling, "LET ME GO, YOU SHOOB!!"

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