The Past

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The Ninja Prince is exactly what his title entails, he's a prince who is also a Ninja. There're not many people who know his real name, only the Royal family and the Commander of the Royal Guard know the prince's name. The Commander was given permission to tell one trustworthy person outside the kingdom the name of the Ninja Prince. The Commander hadn't chosen who to tell the prince's name yet until he met the First Ninja. The First Ninja was proven to be a trustworthy ally.

The Commander ended up telling the First Ninja the prince's name and told him not to tell anyone without the permission of the Queen or King or if it's an emergency. The First Ninja agreed to the conditions set with knowing the name of the Ninja Prince.

Nomi, First Ninja, and Ninja Prince met on the battlefield. Nomi and First Ninja had encountered Shadow Monsters, but Shadow Monsters can kill immortal beings and can only be defeated by the Ninja Prince. Nomi was hit by a Shadow Monster in the face and got large, deep claw marks over his right eye. The Shadow Monster then severely injured Nomi's left arm and Nomi couldn't feel it not move it at all. He got pinned to the floor. The Shadow Monster was going to kill Nomi and First Ninja worriedly yelled, "Nomi! NO!!" once he noticed Nomi injured and was about the be killed.

Nomi grabbed his sword which was laying on the ground next to him with the only arm that he could move and attempted to block the attack knowing that he would get killed anyways. Nomi was shaking in great fear and was squeezing his eye shut. After a few minutes, Nomi opened the only eye that he could open. The Monster was nowhere to be seen. First Ninja was worried about Nomi and was about to run to Nomi when he saw the Shadow Monster that attacked Nomi fly pasted him and then smacked into a hill. First Ninja's first thought was 'Wait a minute... Wasn't that the Monster that attacked Nomi?' First Ninja then looked over to Nomi who had the Ninja Prince looming over him.

The Ninja Prince grabbed Nomi's arm and quickly pulled him onto his feet. Nomi had leaned on the Ninja Prince and then he looked over to see who saved him. Nomi was shocked to see that it was the Ninja Prince was the person who he was leaning on. Nomi was quite taller than the Ninja Prince and had his arm resting on the Ninja Prince's head since Nomi was tall enough to have to lean on him with his arm on his head. Nomi quickly backed off of the Ninja Prince, but his leg was severely injured, and he didn't notice. Once he backed off the Ninja Prince, his leg broke in 2 places and the bone sides was jabbing out in 2 places. The top of the broken bone was sticking out the top right side of Nomi's right leg and the bottom of Nomi's broken bone was sticking out at the bottom left side of his right leg.

Nomi fell over because of the sudden pressure from standing on his leg and breaking his severely damaged leg. The Ninja Prince quickly caught Nomi mid-fall by wrapping one arm around Nomi's wrist. Nomi started to blush and blushed even more once the Ninja Prince winked at him. The Ninja Prince healed Nomi's wounds, but the wound over his right eye didn't heal properly for some strange reason. Now Nomi has a scar over his right eye. Nomi could open his eye, but his right eye color doesn't match is left eye. Nomi's right eye color is now a midnight black instead of brown which was very strange.

First Ninja ran over to Nomi and the Ninja Prince. First Ninja asked, "Greetings, Ninja Prince. Nomi, are you okay?" Nomi responded, "I'm fine, First Ninja." Ninja Prince said, "Greetings. You must be the First Ninja that I've heard so much of." First Ninja said, "I am the First Ninja, Ninja Prince." First Ninja noticed Nomi's midnight black eye and asked the Ninja Prince, "Why is Nomi's right eye midnight black, Ninja Prince?" Ninja Prince answered, "I'm not too sure, First Ninja. I'll have to bring him to my kingdom's Healer to investigate his eye."

An explosion was heard, and the Ninja Prince quickly said to Nomi and First Ninja, "Head over to the Commander and he'll take you to the kingdom where it is safe." Afterwards, the Ninja Prince pointed to where the Commander is and then took off to where the explosion was heard. Nomi and First Ninja went to where the Ninja Prince had pointed at.

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