Middlemist Red

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First Ninja's POV

2 days pasted, Nomicon and I went to the location where Aura said the rare flower could be found. There was a village right next to the location. We went inside the village and asked some villagers if they knew about the flower.

A female villager named Constant said, "If you seek the Middlemist Red flower, then it would be wise to speak with the elder of the village. I can take you to her if you wish." I said, "Yes, please." Constant said, "Alight then. Follow me, travelers." Nomicon and I followed Constant to the village elder. Constant said, "Oh great one, these travelers seek your assistant in locating the Middlemist Red to save a close companion of theirs."

Nomicon and I both greeted the elder. The elder said, "Thank you for being them to me, Constant. You may take your leave now." Constant nodded her head in agreement and left. The elder said, "Hello, travelers. The Middlemist Red is a very rare flower but it quite common in a place near the village. I'll have one of the protectors of the village bring you there. I must warn you, there are monsters that protect the flowers from outsiders. The monsters can't tell who is from the village and who isn't from the village, so they would attack anyone who comes near the flower patches."

Nomicon and I nodded in understanding, we both understood the danger the elder warned us about. We would still do what needs to be done to get the flower needed to save Randy.

The warrior that the elder spoke of had entered the room. The warrior said, "I was told that there are travelers who seek the Middlemist Red flowers and that you requested I take them to the flowers, great one." The elder said, "The information that you received is true, Allura. It would be best to take them there right away." Allura said, "Of course, great one." Allura walked towards us and said, "Follow me, travelers."

An hour had pasted went we finally reached the location of the flower patches. The three of us were quickly met a monster. I said, "Nomi Norisu, get a Middlemist Red flower while Allura and I battle the monster." Nomicon nodded and ran off towards the flower patches. Allura and I fought surprisingly well together. Her skills on combat were incredible and we quickly defeated the monster.

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