The End?

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Randy, First Ninja, Nomicon, Allura, and Randy's siblings lived together in one house. Randy had managed to figure out how to get into his human form again. Randy's powers got developed more, and sometimes he can loose control of it. But, even though he's controlling his powers, he's more responsible, cleaning up the house, make food, and doing chores. Even though it wasn't necessary, Nomi couldn't say no to him.

As for training, Randy and Nomi will always train in the forest, where his siblings thought they were doing something dangerous, and it was. They are now training, and Randy is trying to turn himself into a wolf back to try getting use to it more. Nomi felt proud of him, and sometimes, he'll blush at Randy's attempts. As Randy was doing his best, Nomi closed his eyes to meditate and subconsciously sang a song.

Randy heard a beautiful melody, and smiled when it was from Nomi. He walked towards him, and secretly kissed him on the cheek. Nomi blushed as he saw him, and Randy giggled at his reaction. They didn't start dating yet, but fell in love with each other more everyday.

First Ninja looked at them with a smile before turning his head towards Randy's siblings. They looked like they have fall asleep, and Allura was singing a lullaby to let them relax. Both Allura and First Ninja carried the small children towards their beds and went back downstairs to sit down.

Allura looked at First Ninja with a smile. She has been feeling weird things in her chest, but it felt good and sweet. First Ninja noticed, and let her head rest on his shoulder. They both blushed red when Nomi and Randy teased them, as a payback for teasing them in the first place.

"Allura, are you okay?" First Ninja asked as he saw her worried face. She only sighed before replying.

"I felt something, and it's not good. It felt, like someone has been spying on us, and planning on something bad... Oh dear." They all got worried as they looked at the sky, nighttime and filled with stars. The voice then started say.

"Soon the world will be MINE." The voice then laughed. Randy felt another jolt of horror.

This, this can't be! THEY shouldn't be here!

(1) RC9GN - The Ninja PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now