On the Run

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*Author's Note: CartoonLoverGirl01 made this chapter*

*Author's Note: CartoonLoverGirl01 made this chapter*

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Allura was badly hurt

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Allura was badly hurt. Her body is covered with scratches, blood, and dirt. First Ninja, Nomicon, and Randy helped her to rest. First Ninja wrapped the wounds that she had from Randy's instructions. She woke up a bit, feeling a bit of nausea in her head.

"How are you feeling, Allura?" First Ninja asked. "Fine," Allura whispered.

"How did you get injured?" Nomicon asked as he patted Randy who barked softly, wagging his tail.

"Well, let me explain, it's better for me to explain from the start..." She said as a backstory started to begin.

*Author's Note: The slanted and bolded text means 'flashback'/'backstory'. *

Allura was running from bad warriors, who chased her all the way to a forest and in the woods. She hid behind a big tree, making them hard to find her. When she saw them going away, she quietly walked somewhere for safety. While she was walking, she got hit by an arrow, cutting her cheek and started to bleed. The warriors found her and chased her all the way. She ran as fast as she could, hitting into trees and rocks, plants and animals, but then got ahold by one of the evil warriors. The warrior grabbed her by her neck, making her hard to breath. She already had several injures, and by grabbing her neck, she can barely breath.

Allura then bended the warrior's arm, making him drop her, and she started to run to the end of the forest, where she stumbled a village. She limbed herself and saw Creep. She knew him, so she walked up to him and asked him something using a language only she and Creep understand. She then walked up to the house, and saw First Ninja, Nomicon, and Randy. She saw Randy's body in a wolf form, meaning that he can fight. Creep from behind told her that they can fight for good. Allura then nodded her head and walked up to the door, knocking it and making First Ninja to come. He did and called out Nomicon. That's when nausea hits her bad and fell fainted there.

"Okay then. Why didn't you go to the village? You might be safe there." First Ninja said. Nomicon nodded as he placed a sleepy wolf on a comfy chair.

"Well, the thing is, I can't." Allura explained. Another flashback came.

Allura went to her village and found that the warriors were there, making the villagers hurt and trembled. She then got spotted by the warriors, she was about to attack but a voice told her not to. It was her grandpa.

"GO, RUN AWAY, ALLURA! PLEASE! IF YOU WANT TO SAVE US, FIND THE PURE WARRIORS!" Her grandpa told her too. She hesitated but obeyed. She ran and that's how she ended up here. It was a beginning before she was chased.

"Ah, I see. Well, just rest for now. We'll talk more soon once you are healed." First Ninja stood up and pat her head gently. She blushed a bit before nodding her head, wanting to rest. Funny thing is Nomicon and for some reason Randy woke up and they both smirked, knowing that there was a chemical reaction between the both of them. They both looked at each other and giggled softly, barely making a sound so the other lovers wouldn't hear.

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