Kidnapped Nomicon

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Randy’s POV

Nomicon and First Ninja had taught me how to control my powers since I had to get used to using my powers again. After the 2 days of training, I remembered how to control my powers. I’m glad that I was the Ninja because if I wasn’t, then I might have never found out about me true identity of being the Ninja Prince. There was one question that really bothered me. Nomicon and First Ninja clearly noticed my frustration.

Nomicon walked up to me and asked, “What’s wrong, Ninja?” I knew that Nomicon hadn’t read my mind since if he did, he wouldn’t be asking me that question. I sighed and said, “Nothing’s wrong, Nomicon.” I didn’t want to put any pressure on anyone about the topic that I have been thinking about none stop.

Nomicon said sternly, “I know that you’re lying to me, Randy.” It always scares me when Nomicon and First Ninja call me by my name since they only do that when they are serious about something. I sighed and simply said, “It doesn’t concern about anyone else, but my siblings and I, Nomicon. It won’t affect my Ninja training in any way.” I walked since I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts and avoid the conversation entirely.

Nomicon’s POV

I sighed in frustration and I was about to go after Randy when First Ninja stopped me. I was confused as to why First Ninja would stop me. First Ninja said, “There is something very wrong and I believe that I know what is going through Ninja’s mind right now, Nomicon.” I looked at him confused and slightly worried. I asked, “What do you believe the Ninja is thinking about, First Ninja?”

First Ninja said, “I believe that Ninja is thinking about his real parents, the Queen and King.” I was slightly shocked, but then I thought about it and it made a lot of sense. I don’t know who my true parents are, and I certainly think about who they could be. First Ninja said, “I’ll talk to him about his parents. Okay, Nomi Norisu?” I knew that once he made up his mind about something this important, there was nothing that could be said or done to change his mind. I sighed in defeat and slowly nodded my head. First Ninja smiled and then walked off in the direction Randy went.

Randy’s POV

I heard the door open and I looked over to see who opened the door. I was shocked that the person who just walked in wasn’t Nomicon. I watched as First Ninja walked towards me and sat next to me on my bed. I was surprised that First Ninja went after me instead of Nomicon. I said in a low tone, “Hey, First Ninja.” First Ninja said, “Hello, Ninja.” I suddenly had a very bad feeling and I looked at First Ninja. First Ninja seemed to have the same bad feeling I did.

Suddenly a loud crash and then a loud thud was heard from the other room. First Ninja and I quickly ran to the other room. We looked around and noticed that all my siblings looked scared and very worried. We looked at where they were looking at and we were immediately shocked. On the ground was a seemly unconscious Nomicon and he was badly hurt. First Ninja yelled, “NOMICON!!” Nomicon was unresponsive and someone behind a wall stepped into view.

The man laughed and First Ninja let out a low growl. The man said, “Nomicon is coming with me no matter what you say, First Ninja.” The man picked up Nomicon and then disappeared when First Ninja sprinted towards him. First Ninja quickly screech to a haul. First Ninja started yelling in another language. I assumed that he was cursing in his ancient language that he was raised to speak in.

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