Strange Feelings

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First Ninja's POV

We looked at each other and Allura giggled. I suddenly felt something that I hadn’t felt in 8 centuries. It’s hard to describe exactly what I felt since I hadn’t felt it in a long time. Surely Nomicon knows what the feeling might be. Right? Allura suddenly spoke and broke me from my thoughts. She said, “It is surprising how well we worked together for meeting each other an hour ago. Isn’t it, traveler?”

I quickly and somewhat nervously said, “Yes, it is surprising, Ms.” Allura laughed and said, “No need to call me Ms., traveler. You may call me Allura or Ally like my companions and family do.” I nervously nodded in understanding. Nomicon suddenly came running towards us and yelled, “I GOT ONE!!” as he held a Middlemist Red flower in his right hand.
We headed back to the elder and thank her and Allura for their assistance. As we were leaving the village, Allura came running towards us and yelled, “WAIT!” We stopped and turned around to look at Allura. My heart started pounding and I got extremely nervous. What is this feeling? Why did I start feeling this way during the battle where Allura and me fought the monster?

Nomicon’s POV

Allura was right in front of us as she worked to catch her breath after she ran towards us. I looked at First Ninja and I could tell that he was too deep in thought to notice that Allura was right in front of us now. I sensed that First Ninja was confused, and I read his mind. First Ninja is confused about a feeling that he started to feel about Allura during their battle earlier.

Allura said, “I’m glad I caught up to you two. I know that you’re focused on getting the flower to your companion, but I wanted to give you both something since we became friends on our way to the flower patches.” I nodded in understanding and looked at First Ninja. He seems too deep in thought to have heard what Allura said. Allura held out a pair of leather, fingerless gloves and a necklace that appeared to be very important.

Allura gave me the gloves and was about to give First Ninja the necklace when she noticed that First Ninja deep in thought. Allura lightly tapped First Ninja’s shoulder and turned her head to look at him in the face since he was looked at the ground. Allura got closer to First Ninja’s face when he didn’t react to her previous 2 motions. I laughed a little since I knew what his reaction would be.

First Ninja’s POV

I suddenly snapped out of my thought when I realized that Allura’s face was so close to mine. How did I not notice her get so close to me before?! I was panicking in my mind and Allura seemed to sense it. She asked, “Are you okay, traveler?” I quickly said, “Y-yes, o-o-of course I’m fine!”

Allura then said, “Are you sure that you’re okay, traveler? You stuttered quite a lot when responding to my first question.” HOW AM I NOT GOING TO STUTTER WHEN YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO MY FACE?!

I heard Nomicon laugh a little. I glared at Nomicon and I notice that he was wearing leather, fingerless gloves. I ask Nomicon through telepathy (I don’t know if that is the right name, but he basically speaks to Nomicon with his mind like reading his mind).

F.N. (First Ninja): Nomicon, where did you get the gloves from? Nomicon: Allura gave me the gloves just like how she was trying to give you the necklace when she noticed that you were deep in thought. F.N.: Wait?! Really?! Nomicon: Yes, First Ninja.

Allura suddenly poked my forehead and I looked at her confused. She then said, “Here you go.” She handed me the necklace and then she started running away saying, “Bye, travelers.” Nomicon and I quickly yelled, “Bye and thank you for the gifts!” I felt bad that I couldn’t give her a gift in thanks. Nomicon then said, “Not to worry, First Ninja. I’m sure that we’ll met her again.” I nodded and then we started to head back to the hospital where Randy was at.

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