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Nomicon’s POV

Everything was dark and cold. After what felt like years, everything became warm and a bit bright. All the pain I felt was gone and my body feels rather numb. I assumed that I was given pain killers and my wounds were treated.

I felt light pressure on my stomach. I didn’t know what was causing the light pressure on my stomach. After 2 minutes, I felt movement on my stomach. I started to feel my limbs and I felt like I am able to move. I managed to open my eyes and I was blinded by bright light. I managed to move my left hand over my face to cover the blinding light.

The lights had suddenly dimmed and I felt something hitting my stomach. I uncovered my face and as soon as I did, there was sudden movement from my stomach to my face. It felt like there was a dog licking my face and going crazy on me. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. I was laughing like there was no tomorrow.

First Ninja had ran into the room. He appeared worried as if he thought there was an attack. First Ninja had quickly realized what was going on and he laughed. Randy’s siblings rushed into the room and Sierra got very excited suddenly yelled, “I wanna play too!!” First Ninja laughed even harder than before and Randy suddenly jumped to his paws. He was looking at Sierra, but it tickled a lot when he suddenly jumped to his paws. Randy clearly noticed me trying to hold in my laughter as his paws rested on my stomach. Once he noticed this, he smirked and then started moving his paws up and down.

I couldn’t hold it and I just started laughing like crazy. I couldn’t stop laughing as Randy keeping moving his paws. His tail was wagging like crazy clearly indicating that he was enjoying himself. I yelled in between laughs, “Randy!! Stop!!” He smirked even more, and I figured that if he could talk, he would yelled, ‘NEVER!’

Randy continued going until First Ninja said, “Randy, enough! He needs to go eat.” Randy stopped what he was doing and let out a small whimper as his ears and tail went down. I pouted slightly at Randy’s reaction. Curse you for being so cute, Ninja Prince!! Randy got off of me and I got out of bed to go to the kitchen to eat. Food took a while to make since Randy was stuck as an animal and he had to figure out a way to teach First Ninja how to cook without being able to talk.

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