Out of Subconscience

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Nomicon's POV

Once we reached the hospital, we immediately went to Randy's room. His siblings were still in the room. Aura revealed herself and Randy's siblings were shocked. I gave Aura the Middlemist Red flower and Aura used her powers to summon ingredients that she already had with her. She then used her powers to make the elixir that would get Randy's memories back. I lifted Randy so he would be sitting up. Aura then carefully poured the elixir into Randy's mouth. Once she finished, I carefully put Randy down.

Randy's POV

I started feeling really weird and tingly. I noticed that my true self started smiling and so did Kara. I asked, "Why are you two smiling? What's happening?" Ninja Prince said, "What is happening is that Nomicon and First Ninja got the Middlemist Red flower and Aura made it into an elixir with the ingredients that she had. Aura poured the elixir into your mouth and the tingling feeling means that the elixir is working as it is intended to work."

I smiled when Ninja Prince said that since it means that I could see my siblings, Nomicon, and First Ninja again. Suddenly, what I assumed were memories started flooding my mind. I suddenly remembered everything, and then I pasted out. When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room. I looked around and I saw a clock that read 5:45 am. I then realized that there was pressure on my leg.

When I looked to see what or whom was putting pressure on my leg, I saw Nomicon laying his head on my leg. I didn't want to move since Nomicon was asleep and I'm sure that after him and First Ninja had went to get the Middlemist Red flower that they deserve a night well slept. My head and 2 areas of my back were aching, and it quickly became very numb. Why does my head and back ache so much?

I took a little nap and when I was partially wake, I heard talking. I heard Nomicon say, "How long do you think it would be for Randy to wake up, First Ninja?" First Ninja said, "I'm not too sure, Nomicon. Time will tell." I couldn't wait to surprise Nomicon, First Ninja, and my siblings by waking up. This is going to be fun.

Nomicon's POV

I just hope that it won't take Randy years to wake up or even months to wake. I hope that he'll wake up soon... I lightly kissed his forehead and then I got confused. I heard someone giggle and it sounded like Randy. I looked over at Randy with confusion flooding my face. I felt a tug on my thigh. When I look over to see who tugged at my thigh, I saw Randy's youngest sister named Sierra.

I said, "What is it, Sierra?" Sierra said, "Is Big Brother going to be okay?" I nodded and then I felt someone kiss my cheek. I quickly look over to see who kissed my cheek. I then felt the person touch my nose with theirs. Randy said, "Boop!" I stared at Randy in shock. I couldn't find the words to speak. I looked around and noticed how happy everyone is. Randy's siblings had collectively jumped on Randy and squeezed him in a big group hug. The group were giggling, and First Ninja walked towards me with a big smile on his face.

Randy said, "Nomicon..." I look over at Randy when I heard him call my name. Randy had gotten out the group hug and out from under his siblings. Randy had walked over to us with a big smile on his face. I felt strange and overwhelmed by 2 emotions that I hadn't felt until I first met the Ninja Prince. I became extremely nervous and I was speechless. Randy had gotten very close to my face and it only made me more overwhelmed by nervousness and silence.

Randy said, "Are you okay, Nomicon? Or do you want me to call you Nomi Norisu?" I nervously and quickly said, "I'm fine, Ran- I mean N-Ninja P-Prince. It d-doesn't m-matter what you c-call me, N-Ninja P-Prince." Why can't I stop stuttering?! Why is Randy- I mean Ninja Prince so close to my face?!

First Ninja's POV

I knew that Nomicon was panicking in his head. I let out a little laugh. I then saw Emma sneaking around behind Randy. I kept a close eye on her and she then pushed Randy into Nomicon. I couldn't help my let out a laugh. Randy and Nomicon's lips made contact and they both turned as red as the sunset.

Nomicon quickly pulled away and said, "S-SORRY, I-I JUST--" Randy made Nomicon shut up by pulling him into a kiss. Nomicon was tense and was clearly panicking even more than before. Randy seemed to sink into the kiss. I didn't want Nomicon to be as tense as he was, but I got an idea to change that. F.N.: Randy, can you hear me? Randy said, "Yes, I can hear you, First Ninja. How are you talking to me in my mind?" F.N.: Telepathy, Randy. I know how to make Nomicon less tense in your kiss. Randy: How?

Nomicon's POV

Randy had slowly moved his hands to my hips. I was blushing like crazy. First Ninja had convinced Randy's siblings to leave the room and they went somewhere. Randy started to feel me up and I slowly eased up. We pulled away for a breather and took some deep breathes. Randy then pulled me into another kiss, but this time I gave in and unknowingly licked his bottom lip as in asking for permission. He let me in and we had made out of what felt like an eternity, but it felt so good that I didn't really want to stop.

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