Chapter 1: What if Mario (and Y/n) were in... Splatoon

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A/N: My take on the stories in the SMG4verse. Of course yes, this is my story and events will change or be modified to put you as the central figure. I'm making this story as a way to get chapters out and these damn ideas out of my head, as I have a writers block for my other story, and I want at least two more chapters before the next main arc. Yes this is an X meggy story as there are not a lot of those out there, and I just find her awesome and adorable. Remember I'm still starting out please go easy on me, and for the fans of SMG4, if I mess something up... I'm sorry. Enjoy! P.S. All chapters will be centered on your perspective, so unless I've marked it as third person or another POV, it will always be you.

Another night of no sleep, these damn nightmares, the world empty. Devoid of any other human. Bones of animals and people littering the ground. And raining blood. But as of recently, those became of me locked in a jail cell, with a small butterfly as my only source of light. Not any better, but I'll take it as long as I don't have to wipe blood away from my eyes again. I am currently helping Peach paint the basement. My parents are good friends with Peach and they asked her if I could stay with her at the castle while they go somewhere for the next year. It's not so bad here, I made plenty of friends.

Peach: How's your side of the wall going Mario?

We all look over and see that all Mario had done was just paint ass and a face.

Mario: That's-a so nice!

These friends of mine though are a little... complicated. But we still always manage to have a great time.

Toadsworth: Hmm... Master Mario! We could use more orange paint! Could you go fetch some more?

Mario: No problem! Wahey!

Peach: Could you go with him Y/n? Make sure he doesn't break anything?

Y/n: I'm on it.

Mario and I went deeper in the basement to find more paint, I started looking near the front and Mario kept going.

Mario: Ha ha! I found it Y/n! *Can begins to shake* Da fuck?

I heard Mario begin screaming and saw him being dragged by a small squid.

Mario: Ahhhh, look out Y/n!

Before I could react Mario grabbed my ankle and began dragging me with him, all the way into and through a sewer. We got shot out the other side.

?: Weee!

Mario: Wahaaha!

Y/n: Why me tho?

Mario and I land on our faces. After getting up I see the squid transformed into a girl.

Mario: Holy shit-o!

?: Stay back freaks! You're probably the ones who trapped me in that can yesterday!

Mario: A talking squid? Am I in Bikini Bottom? :D

Before I could smack Mario upside the head he was shot with ink and blown right into me.

?: You just got REKT by the upcoming star, Meggy!

Y/n: *mumbles and grunts*

Mario: What was that Y/n?

I punched Mario sending him flying into the sky.

Y/n: I said get the hell off me fat-ass!

I heard the girl, Meggy, start to giggle as we both heard something vibrating.

Meggy: Ah, crap! I'm late for training!

Mario comes crashing down and when he lands he flicks off both me and Meggy. After we both got up and got our bearings, we looked around.

Your SMG4 Adventure: The Persona Saga (Male reader x Meggy)Where stories live. Discover now