Chapter 2 The Dust Storm

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion, Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Anga flew in the sky trying to find the first Moja Kwa Moja stone, and Kion looks up to Anga, "Anga do you see the Moja Kwa Moja stone" Kion shouts so Anga can hear him. Anga lands beside the Lion Guard, "According to Ono and Y/N the waterfall in the backlands is close we just have to continue on this path" Anga explained.  Makini jumped happily, "That means we really are going the right way" Makini announced happily. "Indeed" Ono added as his eyes glowed blue remembering Rafiki's map. "According to Rafiki's map after the elephant graveyard, the backlands waterfall is the first landmark" Ono recalled. Kion smiled hearing the news, "That's great, Anga lead the way" Kion added. "Yup," Anga replied fying up leading the way to the waterfall. As they walked Kion and Y/N exchanged looks and smiled.

After following Anga the Lion Guard was at the waterfall and they were at a stone with a painting on it. "That looks like a Moja Kwa Moja stone" Makini stated, Makini tapped her staff on the painting and the waterfall in the painting was moving and glowing. At the end, the painting turned to a tree with light around, "Yup that's the tree of life, we're going the right way" Makini explained.  "The next Moja Kwa Mojo stone is at a tree so let's go through the trees over there" Makini suggested about to walk there. "Wait a tick" Ono stated remembering the map, "Not just any tree we're looking for an iroko tree" Ono explained.

 "Wait a tick" Ono stated remembering the map, "Not just any tree we're looking for an iroko tree" Ono explained

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"They're very distinctive so let me look" Ono added trying to look for the Iroko tree and then Ono sighs, "If only I could see," Onno told himself sadden.  Bunga approaches Ono and places his hand on Ono shoulder, "Aww Ono don't worry you can see just not very good" Bunga reassure. "BUNGA!" Beshte, Fuli, and Y/N replied to Bunga's statement. Ono turns to try and find the others, "No, Bunga is right Anga is Keenest" Ono insisted. Anga lands beside Ono, "Anga, do you know what and Iroko tree looks like" Ono asked. "Yup, I'll take a look...Anga Lenga" Anga replied flying into the sky looking for an Iroko tree. Anga looked far n the distance and saw an Iroko tree far away. "I found it but it's pretty far from here" Anga reported shouting below, "Let's get moving then" Kion ordered following Anga. Everyone followed after Kion,  "Great job Ono" Makini commented, "Yeah Makini is right you may not be keenest but you are smart" Bunga added. "I guess" Ono answered unsurely, "Guess nothing Ono" Beshte reassured.

The Lion Guard continued walking in the backlands and Y/N looked around rembering her childhood, Kion noticed and walk over to Y/N, "Are you okay Y/N" Kion asked. Y/N looked at Kion and smiled, "Yeah, just remembering some the old times" Y/N explained as they continued walking. But as they contiued a leopard jumped down and growled, Kion backed up and growled back and the others stood defensively. "Makucha!" Kion growled, "Lion Guard" Makucha growled back. Makucha walks slowy towards them, "How many times do I have to tell you to gt out of my territory" Makucha asked angrily.  Kion approaches closer, "Makucha we don't want trouble we're just passing by" Kion explained acting angry. Y/N and Fuli looked at Kion worried, "Oh yeah try passing through this" Makucha scoffed tackling Kion.

Kion and Makcuha roll and Makucha stands as Kion is on his side, "Back Off Makucha" Fuli warned. "Do you think you can take all of us Makucha all by yourself" Bunga added,  Makucha smiled evilly, "Of course not that's why I brought help" Makucha remarked. Behind the Lion Guard, two leopards jump out and growled, as everyone was distracted and saw all the two leopards Makucha growled and tackled Kion again. Makini gasps, "Come on Ono, I need to keep you safe" Makini suggested picking up Ono and running up a tree. "But Makini I want to...HELP!" Ono shouted as Makini ran up a tree with Ono. As Makini did that Makucha hit Kion and was then on top of him and Kion grunted as he tried to get Makucha off of him, "ANGA LENGA!" Anga yelled diving down towards Makucha.

"An Eagle" Makucha replied surprised jumping off Kion dodging Anga attack as Makucha got up Kion got up quickly. "That's right we got some help too" Bunga exclaimed, but before Makucha attacked Y/N dived at Makucha attacking and hitting him. The two other leopards growled at Fuli and jumped to attack but Fuli ran underneath them. "You may act tuff but I'm a whole lot faster" Fuli explained. "And I'm STRONGER!" Beshte shouted hitting the leopards in the sky and landing in the bush. Y/N slapped Makucha back and Kion jumped On Makucha from behind,  Fuli, Beshte, and Anga fought the two leopards as Kion, Y/N and Anga dealt with Makucha.

In the tree, Makini let Ono down, "Don't worry your safe now" Makini promised, "Uhh thanks" Ono replied unsurely. But, as they stopped a high pitch sound, could be heard, "What was that" Makini asked, "I'm not sure " Ono replied listening again. As Fuli and Anga fought a leopard the leopard dodge and ran away hearing the high pitch sound, Anga flew up and her eyes widened, "What's that" Anga asked. As Anga said that Kion was struggling with Makucha on top of him but Makucha rolled up and looked up and Kion did the same. Makucha and his leopards and Kion and The Lion Guard all looked and saw a big storm.

 Makucha and his leopards and Kion and The Lion Guard all looked and saw a big storm

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"EVERYONE DOWN!!!" Kion yelled as the storm hit Makucha, his leopards, and The Lion Guard.....


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