Chapter 21 Island Troubles

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun}

Other Animals: Snow Monkeys, Domog, Red Pandas, Mongooses, Lumba-Lumba

The Lion Guard ran as fast as they could as the water was coming back and hitting everything. Makini was running with the Tuliza in her hands and the water was close behind her so Anga flew down and picked up Makini but as Anga grabbed Makini the Tuliza was dropped. Even though Makini was safe with Anga, and Ono flew above the water, the water hit the others pushing them. Kion swam to the top and looked back, "Keep swimming everyone" Kion encouraged. But as everyone paddled Fuli fell into the water. "FULI!" Y/N cried seeing Fuli fall in but right when she called Beshte popped up with Fuli and on his back. The water eventually stopped and put everyone on land.

Fuli hops off Beshte and shakes the water off slowly, "Water

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Fuli hops off Beshte and shakes the water off slowly, "" Fuli explained shaking the water off completely.  "Uh Kion" Bunga nudged worried, Kion looked in Bunga's direction and where he pointed Y/N was on her side not moving. "Y/N!" Kion yelled running to her quickly, Kion got to Y/N and turned her over and tried to wake her, "Y/N wake up!" Kion called as he shook her.  Anga, Ono, and Makini stand with the Guard behind Kion and Kion pushed on Y/N chest ith his paws until Y/N coughed out water. 

"Thank goodness" Kion sighed in relieve hugging Y/N, Y/N smiled and licked Kion's cheek as she got up fine. "Are you sure you're okay?" Fuli asked. Y/N looked at Fuli, "I'll live thanks to Kion" Y/N reassured shaking the water off. "Kion look what your roar did" Makini pointed out, the Lion Guard looked around and saw the damage the roar did. 

"That's not all it did" Anga added flying near the edge looking out to the water, "Remember that land bridge we used to get here" Anga explained

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"That's not all it did" Anga added flying near the edge looking out to the water, "Remember that land bridge we used to get here" Anga explained. "It's gone" Fuli commented. "You're saying we're stuck on an Island I created" Kion rephrased feeling guilty. "Yup," Anga replied to Kion's remarks. Kion grunted and rubbed his eye in pain, "Makini I think I need some Tuliza" Kion asked turning and looking at Makini. Makini rubbed her head, "I uh dropped what I had but I can go some more" Makini explained and offered to turn to the Tuliza patch. When Makini turned her expression dropped to sadness.

"Or maybe not" Makini suggested, Y/N looked around, "Maybe there is some more Tuliza around" Y/N mentioned

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"Or maybe not" Makini suggested, Y/N looked around, "Maybe there is some more Tuliza around" Y/N mentioned.  As the Guard was silent to look they heard a familiar clicking sound, "HELLO IS SOMEBODY OUT THERE" Lumba-Lumba called. "That sounds like Lumba-Lumba" Beshte pointed out. Ono looked at Beshte, "Sound like it wasn't coming from the water" Ono added.  "HELP PLEASE!" Lumba-Lumba called again. After hearing her cry for help the Lion Guard followed the sound to the shore and they saw Lumba-Lumba.

"The tidal wave must have carried her ashore" Fuli explained, as Kion was worried what he caused he rubbed his eye in pain and Y/N noticed

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"The tidal wave must have carried her ashore" Fuli explained, as Kion was worried what he caused he rubbed his eye in pain and Y/N noticed. "Am I glad to see you could you help me back in the water?" Lumba-Lumba asked looking up at Beshte.  Beshte nodded and looked at Lumba-Lumba, "Don't' worry Lumba-Lumba we'd be happy to help" Beshte reassured. Bunga hopped off Beshte and looked at Kion, "Yeah so Kion what's the plan?" Bunga asked. Kion looked at everyone, "Well we could... no that won't work..... maybe if Bunga and Ono... no that won't work either..." Kion told himself struggling to think as he walked away.

Y/N looked worried and walked over to Kion, "Kion?" Y/N called concerned. Kion looked down, "It's all my fault I lost control of the roar and now, look" Kion blamed himself looking up at the destruction he caused.  Y/N stood beside Kion and looked at him and Kion looked at Y/N back, "It was a mistake Kion, what matters now is that everyone gets help and that includes you" Y/N reassured nuzzling Kion. Kion nuzzled back and looked at Y/N, "You're right, Thanks Y/N" Kion thanked smiling. Y/N looks at Fuli, "Fuli mind taking over while Kion heals" Y/N asked. Fuli smiled and nodded as Kion sat down beside Y/N. 

Fuli looks at the Lion Guard, "Anga take Ono and Makini with you and find the next Moja Kwa Moj stone and see if you can find any Tuliza too" Fuli suggested. Ono and Anga noded flying up, "Don't worry Kion we'll get you some Tuliza as soon as possible" Makini promised walking away. "Thanks, Makini" Kion thanked smiling. Fuli turned to look at who was left, "Now Bunga, Beshte, Y/N and I will find a way to help Lumba-Lumba" Fuli explained. Bunga ran to Lumba-Lumba, "Don't worry we can drag her out" Bunga insisted, but before Lumba-Lumba could tell Bunga he tail whacked Bunga as he tried to drag her.



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