Chapter 4 Journey Through The Backlands

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha's Leopards}

This Chapter contains a song passage, if you don't know what that is basically there will be videos or songs in some chapters if you are on mobile then just watch/listen to the Video and Move on the part. If you're on computer play the video and follow the lyrics that I will put in the chapter, the choice is yours.

Makucha was leading his group and the Lion Guard through the Backlands while the harmattan died down a little bit and Y/N walks beside Fuli. "Hey Fuli, I saw and heard what happened with you and Kion, what happened anyway?" Y/N asked concerned. Fuli looked at Y/N, "I was just telling Kion how we shouldn't trust Makucha but he just said we can handle them but he acted different" Fuli explained walking with Y/N. Y/N sighs hearing that, "I hope we help Kion soon that Venom in Kion is worrying me a lot" Y/N added looking at Kion from a distance, " It's ok Y/N we'll help both Kion and Ono" Fuli reassured as they continued to follow Makucha.

As Ono was on Beshte, Ono was starting to hear that familiar high pitch sound again, "Guys I think the harmattan winds are picking up again" Ono stated. Anga looked behind them and flew up slowy to look, "Guys Ono is right...Look!" Anga added alerting everyone. The Lion guard looked and all saw the harmattan winds again.

Makucha turned to the Lion Guard, "Forget looking if you want to survive you better run" Makucha advised running for the canyon

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Makucha turned to the Lion Guard, "Forget looking if you want to survive you better run" Makucha advised running for the canyon. Kion watched Makucha go, "Come on everyone to the canyon" Kion announced. As Kion said that everyone ran heading for the canyon as they ran Makucha slid in hiding behind the rocks and Kion slid in beside Makucha and everyone slid in on the other side as they all took cover from the winds. As Kion looked to make sure everyone was ok Makucha noticed a small rock fall in front of him. Makucha looked up and saw a big boulder about to fall and Makucha looked at Kion and dived at him as the boulder fell.

"Kion!" Beshte called, "Makucha?" A leopard said surprised what Makucha just did.  Kion got up looking at Makucha, "Woah, thanks Makucha" Kion thanked. Makucha rubbed his head and looked at Kion confused, "Uh....No problem" Makucha replied unsurely. Makucha ran up to his leopards as the Lion Guard walked over to Kion, "Makucha actually saved you?" Bunga said confused. "That's Un-Bunga-liveable" Bunga added going to Kion, "Maybe Makucha isn't so bad after all" Fuli added as the Lion Guard was with Kion. "Maybe he actually just wants to help us out of his territory" Beshte added. 

Makcuha was with his leopards, "Makucha you actually saved the Lion" A leopard asked in confusion. "It's not like I meant to I tried to save myself and he just got in the way" Makucha explained. Makcuha and his leopards turned to reunite with the Lion Guard, "I think the harmattan winds are dying down" Ono stated. Anga flew up to see if Ono is right, 

 Anga flew up to see if Ono is right, 

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"Yup Ono is right, we should continue we still have a long way to go" Anga explained to everyone. Makucha walked near the exit, "The eagle is right let's move so I can get you out of my territory" Makucha suggested running outside leading the way again. Makcuha and his leopards run outside and the Lion Guard follows behind them. As they left Makini was skipping beside Y/N, "Isn't this fun Y/N?" Makini asked. "Fun?" Y/N repeated confused, as Y/N and Makini talked Makucha and his leopards were near them. "I can't wait till we get to the tree of life" Makini added happily. Makucha rolled his eyes, "Does she ever shut up" Makucha asked annoyed. "Just you wait Y/N all the rare and exotic animals live at the tree of life" Makini explained as Makucha listened in. "Did she say rare and exotic animals?" Makucha asked looking at his group, "So many animals live there and it's hard to find, so luckily I'm here to help lead everyone there" Makini explained to Y/N.

"Hmmm. Interesting, come here" Makucha whispered walking by his leopards, Makucha's group followed as they walked off track to be alone. The Lion Guard continued as Makucha and his group were on a rock watching them walk, "Change of plan" Makcuha added. "Were not leading the Lion Guard out of our territory anymore" Makucha explained. The leopards looked at Makcuha confused, "What are we doing then?" They asked. "The Lion Guard is going to the tree of life and the mandrill knows where it is" Makucha explained. "The Tree Of Life?" They asked confused still, "Yeah it's where all the rare animals go and they think they're safe" Makucha explained. "There's nothing more I like more than animals that think they are safe" Makcuha explained licking his teeth hungry. 

Song Passage


There's a place I've heard of,but never thought was real.Where animals seek safety,and hurt ones go to heal.But now I know it's out there,this place is calling mefor oh-so-many reasonsI just can't wait to see.

The tree of lifeThe tree of lifeThe tree of lifeThe tree of lifeThe rare and exotic,the weak and the lame.No need for hunting,instead it's a game.A menu so varied,just waiting for us.At the TreeAt the Tree of Life.

We just need some guidanceto help us find the wayto those fantastic morselswe'll dine on every day.I just can't wait to taste them,delicious, rare delights.A feast beyond our dreamingis where I set my sights.

The Tree of LifeThe Tree of LifeThe Tree of LifeThe Tree of LifeThe rare and exotic,The weak and the lame.No need for hunting,instead it's a game.A menu so varied,just waiting for us.At the TreeAt the Tree

The Tree of LifeThe Tree of LifeThe Tree of LifeThe Tree of LifeThe rare and exotic,the weak and the lame.No need for hunting,instead it's a game.A menu so varied,just waiting for us.At the TreeAt the TreeAt the TreeAt the Tree of Life!

"Ooh sounds good, what's the plan?" A leopard asked. "There is a cliff up ahead we trick the Lion Guard and lead them off of it and take the mandril and force her to take us to the tree of life" Makucha explained evilly. As Makucha laughed evilly, the winds blew near them and the leopards vanished into the dust.


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