Chapter 31 Back Stories and Goals

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

Other Animals: Snow Monkeys, Domog, Red Pandas, Mongooses, Lumba-Lumba, Azaad, Flamingoes, Civet, Monkey, Mongoose, Deer Mouse, Yun Mibu, Goose, Peacocks

"POISONED!!!" Everyone shouted, "Shhhhhhh!!!" Y/N hushed at the Guard. Y/N looked at Kion who was still sleeping. Bunga looks at Y/N, "Can't we find a cure or something?" Bunga asked. Y/N looked down then up at the Guard, "I don't know" Y/N explained sitting down. Ono hopped off Beshte and looked at Y/N, "Can you tell us what symptoms you been feeling?" Ono asked. "How about how this happened to you?" Fuli asked.

 Y/N looked up feeling light-headed, "I'll explain it to you but nobody tells Kion" Y/N explained. "Why?" Fuli asked Y/N looked at Fuli seriously. Both Kion and Ono are hurt and they need the Tree of Life I don't want to be a detour or distraction that keeps us off course" Y/N explained. "But..." Fuli was about to say, "Fuli...If Kion finds out he will put my health before his own and we can not afford to let Kion do that his condition is worse than mine" Y/N explained.

"Please Y/N tell us how this happened?" Beshte asked, Y/N sighed as she was remembering how it happened.

Y/N Flashback...

Truth is I got poisoned before we even got to the forest back in the desert. After the situation with Azaad, I was with Makini and Kion decided to take a break before we continued. While we were setting up camp Anga flew down and reported to Makini that she saw more Tuliza. Makini asked if Anga could get it but Anga said the location was too narrow for her so I volunteered. Remember when I told all of you I would be back, that was when Anga lead me to the Tuliza. Anga told me it was just between the rocks and I ran in and tried to squeeze through.

After some time I did make it to the end and I found the Tuliza patch. I grabbed as much as I could carry and started to leave and when I got at the end and saw Anga I gave it to her to fly back and I told her I'd catch up. Anga flew away to give Makini the Tuliza and before I left I saw some Tuliza blossoms on the ground I dropped, so I went to pick it up. I jumped back after lifting it becuase I saw a Scorpion who was eating the Tuliza.

Who yelled at me for taking it and I apologize but then he argued at me about trespassing and I told him I was leaving. But the Scorpion was made and he came to the point where he jumped to attack and I rolled to dodge and I was forced to fight it. After some time I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I looked at the Scorpion and saw that the tip of his tail was missing and he ran away.

As Y/N explained the story Ono gasped and everyone looked at him quickly, "What's wrong Ono?" Anga asked. Ono looked at Y/N, "What colour was this Scorpion?" Ono asked. "Black" Y/N explained. Ono fell back realizing what it was, "An Androctonus" Ono whispered. "An-andro-cuple-what now" Bunga asked confused. "Androctonus is a class of scorpions, and if that's the one Y/N got stung by it's not good" Ono explained. Fuli looked at Ono, "How bad?" Fuli asked concerned.

"They are the most deadliest Scorpions in the world their Venom effects take a while to kill a target" Ono explained. Everyone gasped and looked at Y/N and she looked horrified, "The venom works in 4 stages" Ono metioned. Everyone looked at Ono wanting to know, "The first stage is extreme pain around the body, Second is massive headaches and dizziness, Stage three the person has trouble doing anything moving, speaking, the ability to move in general....Paralysis" Ono explained pausing for the final stage. "Ono what's the final stage?" Fuli asked. Ono looked down, "Ono?" Everyone asked. Ono looked up, "Stage 4" Ono stuttered not wanting to say it. 

"Say it, Ono! just tell us!" Y/N begged wanting to know what could happen. "complete shutdown of all systems and resulting in death" Ono explained feeling hurt saying that. Everyone was quiet and Y/N was speechless, "By what Ono is saying I'm in stage 2 I been having headaches and feeling light-headed" Y/N explained.

"Y/N we have to do something" Beshte suggested, Y/N looked at Beshte, "Remeber What I said" Y/N advised. Fuli stood up, "we know you said not to tell Kion but Y/N your on this team..this family and we are not losing anyone if the Tree of Life can help Ono and Kion and it can help you too" Fuli reassured. Y/N thought about it and looked at Ono, "Ono how much time do you think I have?" Y/N asked. Ono thought out loud, "If you were stung 2 days ago and it took a day each for each stage you would have only 2 days maybe 3 at max" Ono predicted. Y/N and everyone looked saddened, "But who knows if Y/N immune system is strong could take longer" Ono added trying to give everyone hope.

"What are we waiting for let's wake up Kion and continue on our way" Bunga suggested. Y/N looked at everyone, "Thanks guys" Y/N thanked. Fuli put her paw on Y/N's shoulder, "Don't mention it your not in this alone" Fuli reassured. Y/N walked over and licked Kion to wake him up and he yawned and stretched feeling better and Y/N and Kion nuzzled. "Anga lead the way" Fuli ordered. Anga nodded as she flew up to go find the next Moja Kwa Moja stone so they can get to the Tree of Life soon.



Sorry to make this one short studying for a unit test but on Friday it will go back to normal.


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