Chapter 18 Trouble In The Marsh

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun}

Other Animals: Snow Monkeys, Domog, Red Panda's

As Makini ran off with away with Ono to keep him safe Y/N walked over beside Kion and Kion looked at everyone, "Get Ready" Kion advised. "Here it comes" Y/N called as they all looked out to the tall grass,  the grass rustles as these small creatures hoped out yelling in an attack formation. 

Ono of the creatures ran at Beshte but it fell back hitting Beshte leg and Beshte looked down at the creature

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Ono of the creatures ran at Beshte but it fell back hitting Beshte leg and Beshte looked down at the creature. "Aw, it's cute" Beshte commented, Bunga was confused, "Which on there are many" Bunga added. Bunga looked around and saw one of these creatures dealing with each member of the Lion Guard.  One of them barked at Fuli bouncing side to side and Fuli stood still unimpressed. When the creature jumped up to attack Fuli slammed her paw down hitting the creature down into the mud. 

One ran past Kion and Kion called to him, Hey! Stop! Let's talk for a second" Kion suggested

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One ran past Kion and Kion called to him, Hey! Stop! Let's talk for a second" Kion suggested. The creature stood up and started punching Kion's side, "No time for talkin only time for fightin" The creature protested punching Kion. Another one of the creatures charged at Y/N but she just held it back with her paw.  As Y/N and Fuli held their attackers back, Anga lands beside Y/N, "Need some help?" Anga asked. Y/N smiled, "No I'm fine thanks but don't worry there's one for you" Y/N explained. Anga looked to her left and saw one of the creatures coming, "Nope not happening" Anga answered whacking the creature with her wing sending it flying. As Beshte tried to introduce himself to the creature attacking him it got knocked back from trying to headbutt Beshte. Bunga ran over and picked up the creature, "Hey! pick on someone your own size!" Bunga explained. The legs kicked Bunga in the chest and it ran off, "Man they do have spirit" Bunga commented.

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