Chapter 23 Makini's Detours

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons}

Other Animals: Snow Monkeys, Domog, Red Pandas, Mongooses, Lumba-Lumba

The Lion Guard have made even more progress to the Tree of Life, after getting past the cliff and finding the Moja Kwa Moja stone the Lion Guard continue their journey to the next Moja Kwa Moja stone. Which is in the desert......

Makini stops at the Moja Kwa Mojo stone and taps her staff on the rock and it starts to glow and move and at the end, it shows the Tree of Life. Makini looks at Kion, "This is the next Moja Kwa Moja stone all right" Makini assured. Kion smiles, "Then we're still on the right path to the Tree of Life" Kion comments.  Bunga looks around, "Uh Kion, there is no river around and the painting shows one" Bunga interrupted. Ono looked at Bunga, "It might have been a big river at some point, landscapes can change over time or with the seasons" Ono explained. "Just like the dry season back at home" Kion commented.

Fuli looks at Ono, "Hey Ono! where is the next landmark?" Fuli asked. Ono eyes turn blue as he looks at Rafiki's map, "It's a pool of water with rocks all around it" Ono explained. Y/N looked at Anga, "Anga?" Y/N questioned. Anga nodded as she flew up to take a look, as Anga left Makini smiled looking at the dried up river. "I remember this river now my parents and I came here on my first trip to the Tree of Life" Makini remembered as she had a flashback to her childhood and her parents.

Makini started spinning in the water in her flashback remembering her days with her parents at the river. "MAKINI!" Fuli shouted,  Makini snapped out of it and saw Fuli covered in water, "Sorry Fuli" Makini apologized.

 "MAKINI!" Fuli shouted,  Makini snapped out of it and saw Fuli covered in water, "Sorry Fuli" Makini apologized

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"ZUKA ZUMA!!!" Bunga shouted jumping into the small puddle splashing water on Fuli.  Makini looked at Bunga, "Careful Bunga you know the saying, test the water before diving in" Makini suggested remembering her mother's saying. "Where's the fun in that" Bunga scoffed amused. "You sound like my dad" Makini chuckled finding what Bunga said funny. As everyone was silent Anga flew back and Beshte looked up, "Hey Anga you find the Moja Kwa Moja stone?" Beshte asked.

"I found a rocky pool with small boulders, but it's dry" Anga reported. Makini climbed up to be with the Lion Guard, "Oh that doesn't seem right the pool I remember had lots of water and the boulders were huge" Makini explained. Anga looks at Makini, "Yeah but it matches Ono's description it's just...drier" Anga explained.  Ono looked at Makini, "Well if this river was dry it would make sense the pool would be dry too" Ono explained.

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