Chapter 6 Journey To The Peak

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha's Leopards}

As Ono told Kion and Y/N Makucha tried to tackle Kion but Y/N ran at Makucha headbutting him away into the other leopards. "Thanks" Kion thanked Y//N, "Anytime" Y/N replied smiling and Y/N kissed Kion on the cheek. Kion smiled and Kion and Y/N followed after Ono as they all ran to hide behind the big rocks. "What was that bird saying," A leopard asked Makucha, "I don't know its too loud" Makucha answered as they watched the Lion Guard run. At the rocks, everyone hid, "Dig in everyone this one gonna be the worst one today" Ono advised. Everyone dug their paws inside the ground bracing for the wind.  Makucha and his leopards looked behind them and all their eyes widened as they saw the wind coming. Before they could move the winds hit them and it was so powerful it picked them up and sent them flying past the mountain pass and the Lion Guard saw them go flying away. Makucha and his leopards landed in the trees from the winds. 

The leopard fell from the trees as the storm cleared, "Urgh how did we get here" One of the leopards asked

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The leopard fell from the trees as the storm cleared, "Urgh how did we get here" One of the leopards asked. Another leopard head popped up, "Where is here" the other leopard asked. "GET OFF ME?" Makucha growled, the leopards jumped off as Makucha got up, "You okay Makucha," One leopard asked. "I'm fine, but we're going to follow the Lion Guard to the tree of Life" Makucha ordered. "I don't know Makucha" A leopard added, "If you're not coming I'm going alone" Makucha scoffed. "Suit yourself have fun Makucha the Lion Guard is too much for us anyway" The other leopard explained. The two leopards hopped into the bush leaving Makucha, "Fine I'll do it alone then" Makucha scoffed, "More rare animals for me" Makucha schemed evilly and Makucha started laughing evilly.

The Lion guard continued walking to find the next Moja Kwa Moja, "Sorry everyone I shouldn't have trusted Makucha" Kion apologized looking down. Y/N stopped and nuzzled Kion, "Kion it's not your fault we all believed him too but were fine anyway" Y/N reassured. Kion looked up to everyone and they smiled agreeing with Y/N. Kion looked at Y/N and smiled, "Thanks Y/N" Kion thanked as they continued. Anga flew up to find the iroko tree, 'We're almost there everyone" Anga called to the Lion Guard leading the way. Everyone smiled happily and followed Anga as they all continued their way.

The Lion Guard followed Anga but Anga stopped and landed and everyone looked and they sa a big tree, "Yup that's an iroko tree" Ono added. As everyone looked at the tree Makini walked over to a stone, "Here's the Moja Kwa Moja stone" Makini cheered tapping her staff on it. Everyone smiled as the painting moved showing wind blowing the tree then switching to the tree of life. "Looks like its warning us of a wind storm" Makini explained, "Little wait for that" Fuli added smirking. "We made it through the harmattan pretty well all thanks to Ono" Kion admitted looking at Ono. Bunga walked over, "See Ono you don't have to have good eyesight to help the guard" Bunga reassured, "Yeah not when you're the smartest" Beshte added. Ono looks at everyone, "Guess I'm still trying to get use to my new role on the guard" Ono explained. "Well Ono the guard wouldn't be the same without you" Kion reassured, "Anyway where to next Ono," Kion asked. "Let me see Kion," Ono said as his eyes turned blue remebering the map.

"After the iroko tree, we need to find a mountain with two peaks" Ono explained, Anga flew up to look. "I see it in the distance we just have to continue this path" Anga advised, "Let's go!" Kion ordered following Anga. Everyone followed as they all decided to go and continue to the two peaks. Y/N walked beside Kion as they all continued but Kion stopped and grunted, Y/N looked quicky and saw Kion itching his eye again and grunting in pain. "Makini!" Y/N called, Makini ran over with Tuliza, "Here Kion" Makini offered Tuliza. Kion bent down and started chewing on the Tuliza. Kion swallowed it and felt relaxed, "Thanks Makini and Y/N" Kion thanked continuing the walk. 

Y/N, Fuli, and Makini were all walking together, "I hope Kion is okay" Y/N asked. Fuli and Makini looked at each other then Y/N, "Y/N we're worried too but don't worry we'll get Kion help before anything bad happens" Fuli and Makini reassured. Y/N sighed but looked up at Fuli and Makini, "I hope your right" Y/N replied as the three of them caught up with the guard and continued their way to the mountain ith to peaks.


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