Chapter 7 The Peak

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha's Leopards}

The Lion Guard continued to follow Anga so they all could get to the next Moja Kwa Moja stone. Kion and Y/N were walking together in the front as everyone followed behind them and Y/N felt Kion wanted to say something. Y/N looked at Kion worried, "Kion are you okay?" Y/N asked concerned. Kion looked at Y/N as they walked, "I'm...fine..why?" Kion answered unsure, Y/N looked at Kion in the eyes, "I've been with you long enough to know when you want to say something" Y/N explained. Kion sighed and looked down and Y/N saw the way Kion acted, "Kion whatever it is you can tell me" Y/N reassured. Kion looked up at Y/N, "Y/N can you be honest with me" Kion asked. Y/N tiled her head confused, "Honest about what Kion?" Y/N asked, "Do you still love me?" Kion asked doubtfully. Y/N was shocked why Kion would ask that "Of course Kion I always will" Y/N answered confidently.

"Why would you ask that?" Y/N asked even more worried and concerned for Kion,  "It's just that....after what happened with getting this scar and losing control of my temper I was thinking you wouldn't love me the same" Kion answered stopping in his tracks. Y/N stopped and turned to Kion and put both paws on Kion cheeks looking into his eyes, "Kion that Scar means nothing to me I will always love you for you, I know your heart is big and pure Kion...that's why I love you" Y/N reassured nuzzling Kion. Kion purred and then nuzzled back and they both smiled. "Thanks, Y/N, I can always count on you" Kion insisted, Kion and Y/N kissed and Kion's ears raise. Kion and Y/N smiled before turning and contiuing the walk, the Lion Guard smiled and followed, "That was cute" Beshte admired. "What was cute?" Ono asked, "You didn't see," Bunga asked. "BUNGA!" Fuli, Beshte, and Makini called, Bunga stopped and remembered, "Sorry Ono forgot" Bunga apologized.

"Anyway Ono Y/N and Kion had another cute moment" Fuli explained, Ono listened as Fuli, and Makini explained. "Then they continued walking" Makini finished telling Ono what happened, "That's amazing" Ono replied. "Luckily Y/N is here to help Kion out" Beshte added, "Yeah Y/N was a great addition to the team" Fuli commented. As the Lion Guard talked and Y/N and Kion walked together talking Anga landed between both, "I got some news" Anga reported. Kion walked over to Anga, "What is it Anga ?" Kion asked. The peak is up ahead but no Moja Kwa Moja that I can see" Anga explained. Before anyone reacted Ono hopped of Beshte back and landed beside Anga, "That's becuase the next Moja Kwa Moja stone isnt at the peak" Ono explained looking back to Rafiki's map. "According to Rafiki's map the next Moja Kwa Moja stone is located past the Peak to the snowy moutains" Ono explained.

"Thanks for the insight Ono" Kion thanked, "I'll lead the way then" Anga offered flying up towards the peak, behind Anga the Lion Guard followed

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"Thanks for the insight Ono" Kion thanked, "I'll lead the way then" Anga offered flying up towards the peak, behind Anga the Lion Guard followed..........

It's been several minutes and the Lion Guard is climbing up the mountain, "Why is it so cold" Bunga asked shivering. "Well we are almost at the top of the snow mountain" Anga explained flying. Makini kept pulling herself forwards of the hill with her staff becuase the snow was deepm "I don't remember climbing a mountain the last time I went to the tree of life" Makini commented. "Maybe becuase the painting in the lair showed the path going around the mountain" Ono explained, Kion stepped forward climbing the mountain.

 "Maybe becuase the painting in the lair showed the path going around the mountain" Ono explained, Kion stepped forward climbing the mountain

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"But going up the mountain would be quicker" Kion advised, Anga flapped her wings above them, "Sure if you can make it" Anga added. "Anga we're the Lion Guard one mountain won't get in our........WAY!" Kion was saying before his paw slipped on ice causing him to slide down. "Kion!" Y/N  Called watching Kion slide, "Don't worry Kion I got you" Bunga called jumping behind to stop Kion but Kion back hit Bunga causing him to slide down with Kion, "MAYBE YOU HAVE ME!" Bunga yelled as both Kion and Bunga were sliding. But as Kion and Bunga slid they bumped into Makini, Y/N, Fuli, and Makini, Ono got knocked up but Anga caught Ono. "Thanks, Anga" Ono thanked, "Yup" Anga replied, everyone continued sliding down and Beshte saw a dead end up ahead, off the mountain. "TWENDE KIBOKO!!!" Behste shouted stomping his foot into the ground to stop them.

As Beshte stomped they were slowy down and suddenly they stopped, "Good Job Beshte" Makini thanked. "No problem" Beshte admitted, Kion walked forwards while everyone shook off the snow, "Kion maybe we should go around the moutnain" Fuli suggested, "It take too long" Kion disagreed but when Kion said that he grunted and rubbed his eye again after the pain passed he looked at Fuli. "I'm the leader of the Lion Guard and I say we go this way" Kion ordered. "Kion are you okay?" Y/N asked standing beside Fuli, "I'm fine I just want to get to the tree of life as fast as we can" Kion explained. "Ooh, Maybe they know a shortcut" Makini interrupted pointing at a hot spring with snow monkeys inside.

"Couldn't hurt to ask" Fuli agreed, "Yeah they look friendly" Beshte supported. Ono looked at Beshte, "Um Beshte who are they?" Ono asked. "Some monkeys in a hot spring" Beshte replied, "Uh they must be snow monkeys" Ono answered thinking about it. Anga flies above Kion, "Want me to ask?" Anga asked. Kion rolled his eyes, "I guess just make it fast" Kion replied. "Yup...ANGA LENGA!!" Anga shouted flying to the Snow monkeys.


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