Chapter 9 AVALANCHE!!!

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha's Leopards}

This Chapter contains a song passage, if you don't know what that is basically there will be videos or songs in some chapters if you are on mobile then just watch/listen to the Video and Move on the part. If you're on computer play the video and follow the lyrics that I will put in the chapter, the choice is yours.

As Ono shouted Kion looked at everyone, "Everone take cover" Kion ordered heading to cover, "Kion wait the snow monkeys" Fuli added. Kion stopped and looked back to see the avalanche is in the path of the snow monkeys. "Of course the snow monkeys we gotta help them" Kion advised. "I won't be able to help they think I want to eat them" Anga added flying above the Lion Guard. Kion looked up at Anga, "Then Keep Ono and Makini safe" Kion suggested to Anga. "Got it" Anga replied as Ono flew beside Anga and Makini held onto Anga's talon.

The others followed Kion to help the snow monkeys, the monkeys hopped out of the hot spring quickly. "RUN!" The mother snow monkey yelled,  as one of the kids ran the snow was catching up. "HUWEZI" Fuli yelled running to the kid quickly grabbing him and running to safety. As the father ran he tripped and the snow was coming, "TWENDE KIBOKO" Beshte yelled leaping forward in front of the monkey acting as a shield against the snow. As the other kid was running Bunga slid in front of the monkey and the monkey jumped onto Bunga and they slid down the hill. The mother snow monkey hid behind a big rock thinking she was safe, but when the snow hit it was about to fall and collapse on her but Kion dived in pushing her out the way saving her.

"You okay?" Kion asked looking at the snow monkey, "I think so" The mother snow monkey replied thankfully.  Kion looked around at the others, "Is everyone else okay" Kion asked. "We're good" Fuli answered, "Yup" Beshte replied, "We had fun" Bunga answered as the snow monkey cheered. "Y/N!" Kion shouted looking around. Y/N popped out of the snow shaking the snow off, "I'm good Kion" Y/N replied. Anga lands down with Ono and Makini, "We're good too" Anga commented, "The giant eagle is back, hurry and hide!!!" The mother yelled to her family and they all ran to hide behind Kion but they bumped into each other pushing Kion down.

 Anga lands down with Ono and Makini, "We're good too" Anga commented, "The giant eagle is back, hurry and hide!!!" The mother yelled to her family and they all ran to hide behind Kion but they bumped into each other pushing Kion down

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"Your right Ono they don't like large birds" Beshte commented, Kion got up and turned looking at the snow monkeys. "You don't have to be scared, Anga is a nice bird" Kion explained smiling, The snow monkeys come out, "Okay" The mother added with hesitation. Anga raised an eyebrow looking at the Snow Monkeys.  The mother backed up in fear, "But tell her to stop staring at us" She asked. Ono looked at Anga, "Snow Monkeys don't like to be stared at, common knowledge really" Ono explained to Anga.  Anga looked back at Ono, "Fine I'll remember to blink"Anga replied blinking once.

"Oh thank you all for saving us from the avalanche" The mother Snow Monkey thanked the Lion Guard. The other snow monkeys agreed and thanked them as well, "It's just sad how you couldn't save our home too" The mother explained as they looked back to the hot spring covered in snow, rocks, and wood. The kid looked at her mother, "Mom it's not their fault, there was an avalnche" The kid added. Kion looked down and felt bad, "Actually it is, it's my fault I cause the avalanche" Kion explained. "You did?" They questioned, "I thought it was the faces in the clouds" The father advised. "Yeah, that was me... I roared, I'm sorry...I didnt mean to destroy your home" Kion apologized,  "It's ok there are other hot springs....apology accepted" The kid insisted hugging Kion leg.

"Aw that's nice"  Beshte commented finding that adorable, Makini walked forward

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"Aw that's nice"  Beshte commented finding that adorable, Makini walked forward. "Oh... then I guess we can go now" Makini brought up. "Yeah" Fuli agreed, but as they spoke Kion was grunting rubbing his eye again. Y/N walked closer to Kion, "Maybe find some Tuliza too" Y/N suggested. Kion stopped and raised his head, "No!" Kion announced, "We need to make it up to them" Kion explained to the Lion Guard. Kion turned to look at the Snow Monkeys. "Don't worry we'll find you a new home" Kion promised. Fuli and Y/N exchanged looks, "We will?" Y/N questioned. "But Kion..." Fuli added, "Ooh will it have an even bigger hot spring," "Ooh and more food," The kids asked. Kion smiled, "Yes it'll have everything you need, just tell us what you want" Kion explained.  "What do we want in a new home," The mother said looking at the Lion Guard.

Snow Monkey Mom:

So what is the home
Of a snow monkey's dreams?
Some snow and some food
And some water that steams
Our needs are so simple
No need for extremes
To find a new home
Of a snow monkey's dreams

But we gotta have snow
No way around that
Snow monkeys know that
The snow's where it's at
Also, a hot spring
If you find us one, please
So when the wind stings
We stay warm and don't freeze

So what is the home
Of a snow monkey's dreams?
Some snow and some food
And some water that steams
Our needs are so simple
No need for extremes
To find a new home
Of a snow monkey's dreams

For food, we like roots
And some kind of flowers
Leaf buds and shoots
We can eat them for hours
Flat rocks for basking
They don't need to be wide
And while we're asking
Perhaps an ice slide

This is the home
(This is the home)
Of a snow monkey's dreams
(Of a snow monkey's dreams)
Some snow and some food
And some water that steams
(Water that steams)
Our needs are so simple
No need for extremes
To find a new home
Of a snow monkey's dreams
To find a new home
Of a snow monkey's dreams

To Be Continued......


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