Chapter 3 Temporary Compromise

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha's Leopards}

"Woahhh" Bunga screamed as the storm pushed him and the storm also pushed the leopards who tried digging their claws into the ground. Makini and Ono coughed in the tree and they both lost grip and went flying but luckily they flew into Beshte. "Hey, Beshte thanks for stopping us from flying" Makini thanked. "No problem, anytime" Beshte reassured hanging onto the ground from the dust storm. Kion, Fuli, Y/N, and Bunga walked slowy trying to get to the others and Kion looked up in the sky, "Anga! Do You see Shelter" Kion asked. Anga flew closer and looked around trying to stay close, "I can't see anything in this storm" Anga replied. "What should we do then?" Y/N asked. Ono was thinking about how he could help, "Wait I got it....Everyone there were big rocks back at the waterfall we can hide there" Ono recalled.

Anga looked back to the waterfall, "Ono's right, Come on follow me!!!" Anga yelled leading the way.  "WHAT DID SHE SAY?" Bunga yelled asking, "She said to follow her!!!" Fuli yelled back following the others. "She said I'm a ball of fur!!!" Bunga yelled confused, Bunga just shrugged his shoulders and followed Fuli. Everyone formed a line and all walked carefully in the dust storm. Bunga looked up and saw a big log comming, "LOOK OUT!" Bunga yelled. Anga flew back and everyone came together as the log missed them, "Woah!" Kion replied. As Ono listened the storm was lifting him about to send him into the sky, "Hapana!!!" Ono yelled but Makini jumped up onto Beshte and grabbed Makini. As everyone was safe they all continued to follow Anga into the cave.

Everyone got into the cave coughing, "That was un-Bunga-liveable" Bunga coughed as everyone laid down. As Kion laid down he rubbed his eye quickly and groaned feeling the pain, "Everyone Okay" Kion asked sitting up looking at The Lion Guard as the pain passes. "We're Fine...Thanks for asking" Makucha added, The Lion Guard all stood up as they all saw Makucha and his leopards. Kion walked closer, "GET OUT OF HERE MAKUCHA!!!" Kion growled. Makucha walked closer, "This is My territory if anyone should be leaving it's you!!!" Makucha growled back. Kion growled back at Makucha, The Lion Guard looked a Kion as he growled angrily, "Oh Kion, Is your Scar hurting?" Makini asked going to Kion and Makucha. Kion continued to growl at Makucha, Makini puts her hand in her gord and takes out Tuliza, "Maybe you need some Tuliza, Here Kion" Makini offered. 

Kion backed up, "BACK OFF MAKINI!!!" Kion growled at Makini, Makini backed up looking scared. Fuli and Y/N step closer near Makini and Kion, "Uh Kion!" Y/N said, "Makini is on our side remember" Fuli added. Kion stared at Makini with his teeth out but quickly shook his head, "Oh yeah..sorry Makini" Kion apologized sitting down rubbing his eye. Makini smiles and looks at Kion, "It's okay Kion, but you really should have some Tuliza" Makini insisted approaching Kion. Kion looks at the Tuliza in Makini's hand, "Yeah your right" Kion replied bending down chewing on the Tuliza. Kion chews on the Tuliza and his ears rise, "Thanks" Kion thanked as he swalled it. "Now let's get out of here" Kion added, Beshte looked at Kion, "I don't know Kion" Beshte replied.

"That storm is too strong for us Kion we should wait" Y/N suggested, "Wait out a harmattan....That's ridiculous" Makucha scoffed. "Of course a harmattan, it's a powerful dust storm that strikes with no warning we could be waiting days" Ono explained. " mean weeks" Makucha scoffed interrupting. Ono looks at Kion, "Sorry I couldn't figure it out sooner" Ono apologized, Kion looked at Ono, "Don't worry Ono nothing we could have done to stop it" Kion reassured. Y/N walks to Kion, "Kion we can't wait here for weeks" Y/N insisted, "I agree" Fuli supported. "Agreed I'm not putting up with you that long" Makucha interrupted, "Maybe they will be excellent food" A Leopard added growling and behind him, Makucha and the other leopard growled. " Everyone calm down, none of us want to be stuck here with each other" Kion explained.

"Maybe we can get you out of here even with the harmattan" Makucha suggested, "We can" The leopards replied surprised. Makucha looked at his leopards, "Yes, becuase I know the backlands the best meaning I can find a safe route through the winds" Makucha explained. Kion looked down then at Makucha, "I don't know" Kion replied. "It's not like I want to help you but the quicker you leave the quicker you can leave my territory" Makucha explained.  Y/N looked at Kion, "Kion can we talk alone?" Y/N asked. "Uh..Sure" Kion replied as he followed Y/N to the back of the cave. "I don't trust them Kion it could be a trap you saw the way they looked and attacked us" Y/N explained. "I know Y/N but...Ow" Kion explained before rubbing his eye again feeling the pain. "We need to get to the tree of life as soon as we can, Makucha may be our only chance out of the backlands" Kion explained. "But.." Y/N was about to say, "BUT....WHAT Y/N IF ITS A TRAP, YOU KNOW WE CAN HANDLE OURSELFS" Kion replied angrily. "Yeah, I guess" Y/N agreed hesitantly. 

"The winds are dying down If we're going now is our best chance" Makucha added looking at Kion and Y/N. Kion looked at Makucha, "Lead the way then Makucha" Kion replied, The Lion Guard along with Makucha and his leopard all leave the cave. Makucha ran leading the way and everyone followed behind him. Ono and Makini were in the back, "Don't worry Ono I'll keep you safe" Makini promised. "That's the problem Makini I'm on the Lion Guard I'm supposed to save others not be saved" Ono explained. Makini put her hand on Ono shoulder, "Ono you helped us get out of the storm you still save others" Makini reassured. "I guess" Ono replied as Makini and Ono followed Kion and Makucha.


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