Chapter 5 Makucha Strikes

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha's Leopards}

The Lion Guard continued as the winds blew but Kion stopped, "Makucha!" Kion called noticing him gone. "Where is he?" Y/N asked looking around too, "He's supposed to be leading us" Kion added. "Is he lost?" Bunga added, "Bunga if he's lost than we are too," Fuli said looking at Bunga. Anga lands beside Makini, "Still having fun Makini?" Anga asked. Makcuha laughed as he appeared with his leopards in front of the Lion Guard. "Hello Lion Guard" Makucha greeted, "Where did you go Makucha?" Kion asked looking at Makucha, "We went to scout ahead, good news was almost out" Makucha explained.

Makucha was leading the way again and Ono held on Behste as the winds blew, "The winds seem worse shouldn't we wait" Ono suggested. Makucha looked at Ono, "I may find this enjoying but I still want you out of my territory" Makucha explained. "Ok...Lion Guard, let's go" Kion orderd as they followed Makcuha. As they followed everyone followed Makucha slowy as the wind felt even stronger, "They really want us out" Bung added struggling. "Makucha the wind is too strong we should wait" Kion called. "Hang on were almost out" Makucha advised, "How do you know I can't see anything" Anga struggled as the winds continued.

 "Hang on were almost out" Makucha advised, "How do you know I can't see anything" Anga struggled as the winds continued

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Oni raises his head, "Strange it feels like the winds are right in our faces now... it wasn't before" Ono thought. Ono squawked as the wind blew him off Beshte back, Ono landed on the ground hanging on. "Harmattan winds always blow the same way why did it suddenly change directions," Ono asked himself. Ono rolled from the wind and it hit him, "Wait what if the wind hasn't changed directions but we have change directions" Ono thought. Ono flapped his wings flying up, "Makucha is leading us the wrong way I must tell Kion" Ono explained to himself. As Ono flapped his wongs the winds blew even stronger sending Ono back and he grunted trying to fly past the storm. Meanwhile, Makucha hides behind a rock as they approach a narrow pass, "This is it, your way out is straight ahead..just keep going" Makucha explained. 

Kion squinted looking at the pass, "Never thought I say this but thanks for your help Makucha" Kion thanked

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Kion squinted looking at the pass, "Never thought I say this but thanks for your help Makucha" Kion thanked. Makucha smiles, "Believe me it was my pleassure" Makucha replied as Makucha and his leopards backed up slowy disappearing.  "Let's go!" Kion ordered, Bunga hoped over Kion's head, "Me first" Bunga added running down the narrow pass Kion smiled as he followed Bunga. Everyone followed Bunga and Kion as they all ran down the narrow path, but as Behste ran he looked and saw Ono wasnt there. "GUYS! ONO'S GONE!" Beshte yelled trying to tell everyone, "What!" Y/N replied surprised.  "ANGA! CAN YOU LOOK FOR HIM?" Kion yelled asking Anga, Anga nodded and flew back retracing their steps.  Makucha looked at his leopards, "I'll get the Mandrill you rush the Lion Guard and knock them off the cliff" Makucha ordered running into the pass.

Anga flew and bumped into Ono, "Found him" Anga said as Anga and Ono flew back to the others. "WE'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!" Ono shouted, "Wrong way, you sure Ono" Beshte asked. "Makucha is up to something but I don't know what" Ono stated, "AHHHHH!!!" Bunga shouted. "Bunga!" Everyone shouted running to where they heard Bunga shout, as everyone ran Kion stopped quickly, "CLIFF!" Kion shouted to the Lion Guard. Everyone stopped as they all saw the cliff, "Oh No Bunga" Makini added worriedly. "I'm okay" Bunga added hanging onto a branch below.  "Hang in there Bunga" Kion reassured, "No hurry" Bunga replied hanging on, "HELP!" Makini yelled as she got grabbed.

The Lion Guard turned and saw Makucha running off with Makini and the two leopards charged in but Kion ran and headbutt them and followed Makucha.  Anga was about to fly up but a leopard jumped up and hit Anga down and Anga fell off the cliff but she flapped her wings and recovered. "Try that with me!" Fuli threatened tackling the leopard, before the other leopard could attack Ono Behste smacked the leopard into the wall. Meanwhile with Makini and Makucha "You are not very nice" Makini shouted trying to hit Makucha but Kion tackled Makucha and he lost grip of Makini. Kion and Makucha stood across from one another growling, "I should have never trusted you" Kion hissed at Makucha. "You got that right" Makucha hissed back charging at Kion and Kion charged back as they both attacked each other. 

Anga looked down and saw Bunga's branch starting to snap and Anga dived down and grabbed Bunga right after it snapped. "Woah...Thanks, Anga" Bunga thanked, "No problem" Anga replied whiping Bunga at a Leopard. The leopard hit the wall as Bunga landed on him, "Thanks buddy" Bunga thanked petting the leopard's head. As Ono ran Anga picked him up and flew up, "That's better thanks Anga" Ono thanked. But as Ono listened the high pitch sound was back, "The winds are picking up we have to warn everyone"Ono told Anga.

While Makucha and Kion fought Kion backed up as he felt the pain in his eye again and rubbed it Makucha noticed and smacked Kion in the side of the head and Kion rolled into a rock. Kion looked up at Makucha and growled, but before Makucha could hit Kion Y/N dived at Makucha, "Stay Away from my boyfriend!!!" Y/N screeched wacking Makucha back bumping him into the other leopards. Y/N runs to Kion and helps him up, "You okay Kion?" Y/N asked nuzzling Kion, Kion smiled and Nuzzled back, "I'm fine now" Kion answered. Ono flew over Kion and Y/N, "COME ON WE HAVE TO GO BEFORE THE WINDS HIT AGAIN!!" Ono yelled.

To Be Continued......


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