Chapter Sixteen: Still I Waited For The Day...

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You continued to follow the sounds, until you saw Cobalt. You knew where the sounds were coming from. She was projecting a weird hologram from her gem.

It was a slightly shorter her, spinning a bright pink spinel around in her arms. They were laughing and blushing, carefree with each other.

But the same couldn't be said for the real Cobalt. She was shuddering and shaking, buckets of tears pouring from her eyes. Choked sobs erupted from her mouth.

It shocked you to see your friend like this. You bit back an emotion that was strangely close to fear. "C-Cobalt..?" You said. She gasped, and the hologram disappeared. Then, she gave a forced grin.

"Hey, Y/N!" She replied, blinking back the tears like they had never been there. You frowned. "Cobalt, I know something's wrong." You said.

She immediately dropped the act and deflated onto the ground like a balloon.

You sighed, and approached her, putting your hand on her shoulder. "Who's...Heli?" You spoke after a moment's silence. She looked up at you with a bewildered expression, almost like you had said a swear word. Then, she drooped and gave a sad smile.

"I can show you who Heli is. Or, really, who she was."

She closed her eyes, and the hologram popped up again. But it wasn't the same one.

It was of her just walking through a hallway. But there was one key difference. Her gem wasn't upside down, it was on its side.

"I was taken in by SRS only a short five hundred years after I first emerged. I was mistreated by my agate, and she poofed me, abandoning me in a failed Blue Diamond colony." She spoke.

"A spinel collector found me, and brought me back with her. But something was different about her. Usually, when a spinel from SRS picks you up, they poof you and reset you to avoid struggling. She was...kind." She continued with a smile.

The hologram now showed past Cobalt and this mysterious pink spinel laughing on top of a hill.

You could see little tears beginning to bead up in Cobalt's eyes as she continued.

"After I told her my story, she felt...bad for me. So, she made me a promise. A promise that she and I both swore on our very gems to keep to each other."

Past Cobalt and the spinel looked at each other hand in hand. There were tears in their eyes. "I'll be your friend. Not your best friend, but your real friend." The spinel spoke.

Past Cobalt sniffled. "But how do I know you're not just gonna be mean to me like she was?!" She sobbed. Then, their faces were only inches apart.

"Because I swear on my very gem, and my life, that I will always be your friend."

Past Cobalt stared at her, dumbfounded. " promise?" She asked.

The pink spinel nodded. Then, past Cobalt grinned, blinking the last tears away.

"Then I promise too, Heli."

The hologram began to glitch a little bit, but Cobalt sighed and the glitching stopped.

"We bonded, and despite what we said, we really did become best friends," She continued the story with a smile, chuckling at the end.

The hologram showed the various mischievous antics that Cobalt and Heli got into, such as pranking purple spinel, filling the hallways with glasses of water, playing tag while they were supposed to be working, and many more.

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