Chapter Twenty Six: We Have To Hurt Some People

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(A/N: You judge the art in this chapter, I'll break your face uwu)

[WARNING: Mentions of a lemon.]

It was starting to become a ritual to wake up cuddled on the couch with Spinel. 

You groggily opened your eyes, and came face to face with her closed ones, her lashes looking so beautiful like this.

You blushed lightly, and tried to wriggle out of her grasp. That was easier said than done.

When you finally got away, you were feeling hungry. You went to the kitchen, and pulled out a bag of Takis.

Just as you opened it, you heard a voice. "Are you eating Takis?"

You saw that Spinel had slightly lifted her head up in the corner of your eye. "No." You replied.

"Oh, ok, hun." She said, putting her head back down.

She was laying on her stomach now.

You sneakily finished your Takis, and threw away the evidence. "Yes, ain't gonna get me now, Cuphead." You snickered, flopping onto the couch on top of Spinel.

"Ow." She mumbled. "Sorry," You mumbled back, burying your face into the crook of her neck.


You only woke up when you heard the sound of knocking. You got off of Spinel and headed towards the door, her following after you.

You looked through the peephole, and saw somebody you never wanted to see again.

"Shit. It's mom." You whispered to Spinel. "Want me to kill her?" She suggested. "Nah. Too much evidence." You replied. "I can make the blood flow in abnormal ways. No one'll have to know." She replied. "Let me just get her out of here." You sighed, shooing Spinel behind the couch.

You half opened the door. "Sup, bitch." You said.

"You stole my rug." She replied.

"Bitch, why would I want your fucking rug?" You retorted.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?!" She shouted. Then, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just get me my rug."

"I told you, I don't have it." You said with an eye roll. "Bitch, you think I'm stupid? I can see it sticking out of the closet!" She yelled.

You turned and looked. "Shit."

"Don't you lie! I know you want that rug, she want that rug, he want that rug, give me my fucking rug!" Your mom cried.

Then, you flipped her off. "Piss off, lady."

You slammed the door shut before she could utter another word. You locked it and groaned, sliding down to the floor.

Spinel came out from behind the couch. "She's still there, doll. Want me to pound her face in?"

"The neighbors are out, and I doubt she'd shut her ass long enough." You sighed, shaking your head.

"Why not just give her the rug?" Spinel suggested.

"Because it's a nice rug!" You cried.

Then, she turned and looked at it. "Oh, damn, that is pretty nice. We should put it in the bathroom."

"Yeah, that sounds good." You replied with a nod.

Then, you heard more banging on the door. "Yeah, I see your point." You groaned, getting the rug.

We All Get Found... (Spinel x Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now