Chapter Thirty: Oh, Fuck

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(A/N: Shoutout to @PinkZombieGal18 )

You barely slept that night. You were so anxious about Purple, and planning the wedding. What if Purple remembers her past and has a downward spiral? What if she hurts you guys?

What if she hurts Spinel?

You tried to shake these thoughts out of your head, but it was so hard when it was so easy for bad things to happen.

You just tried to close your eyes, and relax. But that's easier said than done.


Aven and Cobalt were seated on the ocean floor, watching the waves move about them as the sun was barely beginning to rear its head.

Occasionally a fish or two would pass by, nibbling at some kelp or scrambling off to stars-knows-where.

Aven put an arm around Cobalt, and they gave soft smiles to each other.

"I don't deserve you." Cobalt spoke.

"I think you've got names mixed up here." Aven replied, coiling her other arm around her waist. "Just enjoy this."

Cobalt said no more, just laid her head down on Aven's shoulder and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Sunshine," She murmured.

"Snowdrop," Aven murmured in return, their hands meeting and instantly intertwining.

If they couldn't have Heli, they could have each other.

But for how long could they have each other until they began to hunger for the same thing, or rather the same gem?


Your eyes gently fluttered open, immediately noticing Spinel wasn't there with you. You shot up, and looked around the room.

The trio were in front of the TV, Red with her arm around Purple.

Green turned to you. "Sup."

"Where's Spinel?" You asked, not being able to help a voice crack.

"Oh, she went off to help plan the wedding without you." Red replied, turning to you also. Purple soon turned after.

"Why is she doing it without me?" You questioned.

"Because you looked 'so cute' while you were asleep, and she didn't wanna make you get up. We know you're tired." Green answered, using air quotes.

"Well, fuck sleep! I have to help plan too, y'know!" You cried, rushing towards the door.

"Wait!" Purple cried. "She got you a donut!"

"Oh, you guys can eat it!" You yelled in reply, slamming the door shut and rushing out. "Nice!" They all cried in unison, ready for some donutness.

Then, the TV showed static. "Huh?" They all questioned.

Soon after that came the face of the spinel fusion who had asked them if they had any problems with Spinel or Y/N at the intercross space station.

They all gasped.

"Hello, this is Cherry Bon-Bon, requesting backup. I repeat, this is Cherry Bon-Bon, requesting backup. And send a tequila, too, will you?"

The message showed static, then repeated itself.

"Oh, no..." Red breathed. "Something tells me we shouldn't have shrugged her off at the intercross..." Green wavered.

Purple wrapped an arm around Red, and pulled herself closer to her. Red comfortingly squeezed her hand.

"We need to get Y/N and Spinel. Before we somehow get blamed for this." Green spoke. Red and Purple nodded, taking her hands.

We All Get Found... (Spinel x Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now