The River (ShaunAllan) Wk - 5

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The River

I did not wait

Until age took its toll

Until the years carried me on

Their river of life's memories made

I'd hoped to

I expected to

Whether my sight

Or my hearing

Or my limbs failed my request

To function as they had

And they should

I would

With the determination of one

Who is bold

Not decrepit nor old

But younger than my years announced


The river of life

Has many meanders

And rapids

And treacherous falls

Where you can drown

From the catalog of chaos

Serving to sever your


From its bindings to your


I did not wait

For age to tear out my page

Neither did the knife

Or the assailant forever unknown

And now my song is silent

With barely an echo to proclaim

I had ever been

I had ever remained

I had ever been more

Than a ripple

On the river

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